Now showing items 1-10 of 1827
Host behavioural manipulation of two orb-weaver spiders by parasitoid wasps
(Animal Behaviour, 2018)
Variance dispersion graphs for comparing blocked response surface designs
(Amer Soc Quality Control-asqc, 1998-10-01)
In this paper, we extend the use of the variance dispersion graph (VDG) to experiments in which the response surface (RS) design must be blocked. Through several examples we evaluate the prediction performances of RS designs ...
Row-column response surface designs
(Amer Soc Quality Control-asqc, 2003-04-01)
Factorial experiments are widely used in industry to investigate the effects of process factors on quality response variables. Many food processes, for example, are not only subject to variation between days, but also ...
Difference variance dispersion graphs for comparing response surface designs with applications in food technology
(Blackwell Publishing, 1999-01-01)
Variance dispersion graphs have become a popular tool in aiding the choice of a response surface design. Often differences in response from some particular point, such as the expected position of the optimum or standard ...
Efficient robust optimization based on polynomial chaos and tabu search algorithm
(IOS Press, 2012-01-01)
The study of robust design methodologies and techniques has become a new topical area in design optimizations in nearly all engineering and applied science disciplines in the last 10 years due to inevitable and unavoidable ...
Proposal of convergence of e-Learning systems for t-Learning
This article presents considerations about viability on reutilize existing web based e-Learning systems on Interactive Digital TV environment according to Digital TV standard adopted in Brazil. Considering the popularity ...
The dimensionality of ecological networks
How many dimensions (trait-axes) are required to predict whether two species interact? This unanswered question originated with the idea of ecological niches, and yet bears relevance today for understanding what determines ...
Economic design of (X)over-bar and R charts under Weibull shock models
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2000-03-01)
This paper considers the problem of a continuous production process where both the mean and variance are simultaneously monitored by an (X) over bar chart and R chart respectively, and generalizes the model of Costa (IIE ...
Multistratum response surface designs
(Amer Statistical Assoc, 2001-02-01)
Response surface designs are usually described as if the treatments have been completely randomized to the experimental units. However, in practice there is often a structure to the units, implying the need for blocking. ...