Now showing items 1-10 of 16
ONGs na pindaíba
(Centro de Estudos em Sustentabilidade da EAESP, 2009)
Scientific popularization and desinformation: reflections from public perceptions of scienceDivulgación científica y desinformación: reflexiones a partir de la percepción pública de la cienciaPopularização científica e desinformação: reflexões a partir das percepções públicas da ciência
(Departamento de Ciência da Informação – UFSC, 2022)
Socioeconomic support to improve initiation of tuberculosis preventive therapy and increase tuberculosis treatment success in Peru: a household-randomised, controlled evaluation
(Elsevier, 2017)
Background: For the first time in the modern era of tuberculosis control, the WHO's End TB strategy specifically integrates socioeconomic support for people affected by tuberculosis with existing biomedical interventions. ...
Prevention of sexually transmitted infections in urban communities (Peru PREVEN): A multicomponent community-randomised controlled trial
(Elsevier, 2012)
Background: Previous community-randomised trials of interventions to control sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have involved rural settings, were rarely multicomponent, and had varying results. We aimed to assess the ...
Role of genetic variation in insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor on insulin resistance and arterial hypertension
(Lippincott Williams, 2010-02)
OBJECTIVE: To perform a two-stage study to explore the role of gene variants in the risk of insulin resistance and arterial hypertension. METHODS AND RESULTS: The selection of variants was performed by a first stage of ...
Reproductive Health is pleased to announce a mandatory open data policy in the journal
(BioMed Central, 2016-06)
The field of global health is evolving and moving forward from not just securing open access publication toaid in the dissemination of research but further still,making the data underpinning the results of that publication ...
Second-hand smoke exposure in adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean: a pooled analysis
(Elsevier, 2023)
Background: Second-hand smoke exposure is prevalent amongst adolescents, despite of being a preventable risk factor associated with unfavourable outcomes. The distribution of this risk factor varies by underlying determinants ...
Predicted heart age profile across 41 countries: A cross-sectional study of nationally representative surveys in six world regions
(Elsevier, 2022)
Background: Predicted heart age (PHA) can simplify communicating the absolute cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Few studies have characterized PHA across multiple populations, and none has described whether people with ...
Active and passive case-finding in tuberculosis-affected households in Peru: a 10-year prospective cohort study
(Elsevier, 2019)
Background: Active case-finding among contacts of patients with tuberculosis is a global health priority, but the effects of active versus passive case-finding are poorly characterised. We assessed the contribution of ...