Now showing items 1-10 of 2476
Functional role of long-lived flowers in preventing pollen limitation in a high elevation outcrossing species
(Oxford university press, 2017)
Low pollinator visitation in harsh environments may lead to pollen limitation which can threaten population persistence. Consequently, avoidance of pollen limitation is expected in outcrossing species subjected to habitually ...
Implementing a community model of mental health care in Chile: impact on psychiatric emergency visits
(American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2017)
Objective: The community model of mental health care (CMMHC) is recommended as the bestway to organizemental health care, but evidence of its successful implementation and effectiveness is scarce, particularly in resource-poor ...
Impacts of honeybee density on crop yield: A meta-analysis
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2019-02-03)
1. There is increasing recognition that pollination deficits are limiting crop yields world-wide. However, management strategies for optimal insect pollination are still unclear for most crops. Current management focuses ...
Extremely frequent bee visits increase pollen deposition but reduce drupelet set in raspberry
(Wiley, 2014-12)
1. Production of many flowering crops often benefits from elevated pollinator diversity and abundance. Nevertheless, the opposite relationship may arise if bees impair fruit or seed production and/or quality by damaging ...
Time-series analysis of ambient PM2.5 and cardiorespiratory emergency room visits in Lima, Peru during 2010-2016.
(Springer, 2019)
Introduction: There have been no time-series studies of air pollution in Peru. Here we evaluate the effect of ambient PM2.5 on emergency room (ER) visits in Lima. Methods :We estimated daily PM2.5 levels at a 1 km2 resolution ...
Factors affecting pollinator movement and plant fitness in a specialized pollination system
The rate of pollen exchange within and among flowers may depend on pollinator attraction traits such as floral display size and flowering plant density. Variations in these traits may influence pollinator movements, pollen ...
Quantity versus quality: identifying the most effective pollinators of the hummingbird-pollinated Vriesea rodigasiana (Bromeliaceae)
(Springer WienWienAustria, 2013)
Erratic pollination, high selfing levels and their correlates and consequences in an altitudinally widespread above-tree-line species in the high Andes of Chile
Unfavorable temperatures and weather conditions for biotic pollination in above-tree-line alpine habitats predict self-compatibility, high levels of autogamy and small flower size ("autogamy reproductive assurance hypothesis"), ...