Now showing items 1-10 of 220
Vertebral osteomyelitis associated with Enterococcus faecalis in Broiler Breeders in Chile
(Faculty of Veterinary Sciences - Universidad Austral de Chile, 2023)
Stable isotope composition of a vertebrate assemblage from the Tacuarembó Formation, Uruguay (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous): Geochemical insight into an arid continental environment
(Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 2019)
The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Tacuarembó Formation (Uruguay) consists of aeolian dunes, ephemeral and perennial river deposits that are part of the vast Botucatu Desert, Parana Basin. It preserved a diverse vertebrate ...
Vertebral Morphology in Partially Sympatric Dolphins: A 3D Approach
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2020-11)
In cetaceans, increased body flexibility is associated with increased maneuverability, this affects the animal’s swimming speed and foraging behavior. A more stable body form is associated with fast swimming and wide turns. ...
Homeotic effects, somitogenesis and the evolution of vertebral numbers in recent and fossil amniotes
(National Academy of Sciences, 2010-02)
The development of distinct regions in the amniote vertebral column results from somite formation and Hox gene expression, with the adult morphology displaying remarkable variation among lineages. Mammalian regionalization ...
Continuum theory of gene expression waves during vertebrate segmentation
(IOP Publishing, 2015-09)
The segmentation of the vertebrate body plan during embryonic development is a rhythmic and sequential process governed by genetic oscillations. These genetic oscillations give rise to traveling waves of gene expression ...
Análisis de la morfología vertebral en asociación con las propiedades biomecánicas del esqueleto en cuatro especies de delfines del sur de Sudamérica, utilizando técnicas de morfometría geométrica
Existe una asociación entre la flexibilidad del cuerpo y la velocidad de nado de los cetáceos en relación a su comportamiento trófico y nicho ecológico. Una mayor flexibilidad está asociada con aumentos en la maniobrabilidad. ...
A crabs' high-order brain center resolved as a mushroom body-like structure
(Wiley-liss, div John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2021-02)
The hypothesis of a common origin for high-order memory centers in bilateral animals presents the question of how different brain structures, such as the vertebrate hippocampus and the arthropod mushroom bodies, are both ...
Taphonomic Effects of a Grassland Fire on a Modern Faunal Sample and its Implications for the Archaeological Record
(Prometheus Press, 2017-12)
The main objective of this paper is to characterize the pattern of thermal alteration in a sample of modern bones collected after a natural grassland fire in the Pampas region (Argentina). A total of 917 bone remains were ...