Now showing items 1-10 of 111
Vertebral Morphology in Partially Sympatric Dolphins: A 3D Approach
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2020-11)
In cetaceans, increased body flexibility is associated with increased maneuverability, this affects the animal’s swimming speed and foraging behavior. A more stable body form is associated with fast swimming and wide turns. ...
Homeotic effects, somitogenesis and the evolution of vertebral numbers in recent and fossil amniotes
(National Academy of Sciences, 2010-02)
The development of distinct regions in the amniote vertebral column results from somite formation and Hox gene expression, with the adult morphology displaying remarkable variation among lineages. Mammalian regionalization ...
Continuum theory of gene expression waves during vertebrate segmentation
(IOP Publishing, 2015-09)
The segmentation of the vertebrate body plan during embryonic development is a rhythmic and sequential process governed by genetic oscillations. These genetic oscillations give rise to traveling waves of gene expression ...
A crabs' high-order brain center resolved as a mushroom body-like structure
(Wiley-liss, div John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2021-02)
The hypothesis of a common origin for high-order memory centers in bilateral animals presents the question of how different brain structures, such as the vertebrate hippocampus and the arthropod mushroom bodies, are both ...
Taphonomic Effects of a Grassland Fire on a Modern Faunal Sample and its Implications for the Archaeological Record
(Prometheus Press, 2017-12)
The main objective of this paper is to characterize the pattern of thermal alteration in a sample of modern bones collected after a natural grassland fire in the Pampas region (Argentina). A total of 917 bone remains were ...
Long necks enhance and constrain foraging capacity in aquatic vertebrates
(The Royal Society, 2017-11)
Highly specialized diving birds display substantial dichotomy in neck length with, for example, cormorants and anhingas having extreme necks, while penguins and auks have minimized necks. We attached acceleration loggers ...
Evidence of bacterial decay and early diagenesis in a partially articulated tetrapod from the triassic chañares formation
(Society for Sedimentary Geology, 2017-06)
The vertebrate fauna from the lower Carnian Chañares Formation of Argentina is dominated by well-preserved small- and medium-bodied archosauriforms and therapsids. Here we report the discovery of a non-mammalian therapsid ...
Horizontal distribution of rotifers in a subtropical shallow lake (Paraná floodplain, Argentina)
(E Schweizerbartsche Verlags, 2012-05)
In water bodies where cladocerans are typically small or present in low biomass, such as in the tropics and subtropics of South America, rotifers may play a larger role in ecosystem functioning than in temperate lakes. The ...
Vertebrate coprolites from the Triassic of Argentina (Cuyana Basin)Coprolitos de vertebrados del Triásico de Argentina (Cuenca Cuyana)
(Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 2004-12)
Abundantes restos de coprolitos de vertebrados coleccionados de las formaciones triásicas de Potrerillos, Cacheuta y Río Blanco (Cuenca Cuyana) son analizados. El material estudiado incluye tanto especímenes originalmente ...
New radiometric 40Ar–39Ar dates and faunistic analyses refine evolutionary dynamics of Neogene vertebrate assemblages in southern South America
(Nature, 2021-12)
The vertebrate fossil record of the Pampean Region of Argentina occupies an important place in South American vertebrate paleontology. An abundance of localities has long been the main basis for constructing the ...