Now showing items 1-10 of 897
Five models of capitalism
Besides analyzing capitalist societies historically and thinking of them in terms of phases or stages, we may compare different models or varieties of capitalism. In this paper I survey the literature on this subject, and ...
Global capital, uneven development and national difference: Critical reflections on the specificity of accumulation in Latin America
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2018-02)
A recent Special Issue in this journal devoted its pages to discuss the varied forms of capitalist development in different countries and regions across the globe. Specifically, the contributions offered a critical assessment ...
Rethinking Varieties of Capitalism from the Latin American Periphery
(SAGE Publications, 2018-06)
The article reconsiders how capitalist diversity is conceived of in the mainstream institutionalist “comparative capitalisms” literature. It highlights the division between centers and peripheries as a differentiation prior ...
Uneven and combined development as a methodological tool: dynamic approach after a dialogue between Kondratiev and Trotsky
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFCE - DEPARTAMENTO DE CIÊNCIAS ECONÔMICASUFMG, 2020-12-27)
Este artigo sugere que a elaboração de Trotsky sobre o desenvolvimento desigual e combinado pode ser uma ferramenta metodológica para compreender o capitalismo contemporâneo. Um diálogo com Kondratiev é um ponto de partida, ...
Between illusión and disenchantment: varieties of capitalism in Chile and argentina (1975-2010)
During the last three decades, both Argentina and Chile have experienced capitailistrevolutions 'from above', which have transformed relationships between firms, workers and the state. These transformations have common ...
Problemas na abordagem das variedades de capitalismo nas economias da América Latina
The Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) approach has been a powerful and influential analytical instrument of the older literature on comparative capitalism. Initially designed for immediate application in developed capitalist ...
Causes of Inequality in South Korea from a Capitalism Variety Approach
(Universidad EAFIT, 2021-07-30)
This article identifies the causes that have maintained a high level of inequality in South Korea, through the Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) approach, which classifies the country as a network economy. The study further ...