Now showing items 1-10 of 59
Visita al sur y suroeste de la cima del volcán Turrialba: Estimado de espesores de ceniza (Reporte de campo: 7 de setiembre de 2016)
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2016)
Se presenta aquí un informe breve de campo basado en la visita al sur y suroeste de la cima del volcán Turrialba, el 7 de setiembre de 2016.
Carbon and sulfur isotopes in tree rings as a proxy for volcanic degassing
(Geological Society of America, 2019-07-05)
Trees are useful archives of past atmospheric conditions. They have most commonly been used to infer large-scale changes in climate, industrial pollution, and the magnitude and frequency of geological hazards. While ...
Gas measurements from the Costa Rica–Nicaragua volcanic segment suggest possible along-arc variations in volcanic gas chemistry
(Elsevier, 2014)
Obtaining accurate estimates of the CO2output from arc volcanism requires a precise understanding of the potential along-arc variations in volcanic gas chemistry, and ultimately of the magmatic gas signature of each ...
Comparative Analysis of geomorphosites in volcanoes of Costa Rica, Mexico, and Spain
(The European Association for Conservation of the Geological Heritage, 2019)
This study is a comparative analysis of geomorphosites in Poás volcano in Costa Rica, Paricutín volcano in Mexico, and Teide Pico Viejo volcanoes in Spain. The main objective of the paper is to compare the geomorphosites ...
Insights on Hydrothermal‐Magmatic Interactions and Eruptive Processes at Poás Volcano (Costa Rica) From High‐Frequency Gas Monitoring and Drone Measurements
(AGU Publications, 2019-02-06)
Identification of unambiguous signals of volcanic unrest is crucial in hazard assessment. Processes leading to phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions remain poorly understood, inhibiting effective eruption forecasting. Our ...
Drones Swoop in to Measure Gas Belched from Volcanoes
(EOS. Science News by AGU, 2018-07-25)
Los gases volcánicos son importantes herramientas de pronóstico de erupciones que se utilizan a menudo en el monitoreo de volcanes. Sin embargo, la recolección de muestras de gas requiere que los científicos ingresen a ...
Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad asociada a la actividad del volcán Turrialba (2010-2017) en el distrito de Santa Cruz de Turrialba, Costa Rica
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2020-05-06)
Entre 1864 y 1866 el volcán Turrialba presentó su último periodo eruptivo de origen magmático acompañado de erupciones estrombolianas. Después de casi 150 años de inactividad el 5 de enero de 2010 inicio un nuevo periodo ...
Insights Into the Mechanisms of Phreatic Eruptions From Continuous High Frequency Volcanic Gas Monitoring: Rincón de la Vieja Volcano, Costa Rica
(Frontiers Media, 2019-01-11)
Understanding the trigger mechanisms of phreatic eruptions is key to mitigating the
effects of these hazardous but poorly forecastable volcanic events. It has recently been
established that high-rate volcanic gas ...
Space- and ground-based measurements of sulphur dioxide emissions from Turrialba Volcano (Costa Rica)
(Springer Verlag, 2012-06-21)
Remotely sensed measurements of sulphur dioxide (SO2) emitted by Turrialba Volcano (Costa Rica) are reported for the period September 2009–January 2011. Thesemeasurements were obtained using images from Advanced Spaceborne ...
Are the ashes from the latest eruptions (2010–2016) at Turrialba volcano (Costa Rica) related to phreatic or phreatomagmatic events?
(Elsevier, 2016-09-15)
The initial eruptive episodes of explosive eruptions are classified as phreatic if the amount of juvenile material (scoria, glass, pumice) is null, and the amount of fresh accidental lithics, and hydrothermally altered ...