Now showing items 1-10 of 36
Propuesta de mejora a Produart (EM GLOBAL ART S.A.S) enfocado a cliente interno y alianzas estratégicas
This degree work was developed during the first period of the year 2022 for the PADE III program, with the aim of applying all the concepts learned during this program to provide to the general manager of PRODUART with an ...
Dinámicas entre tensiones espaciales como instituciones sobre la propiedad de la tierra en la ley de reparación de víctimas y restitución de tierras: evolución histórica y situación actual.
(Universidad del RosarioCiencia Política y GobiernoFacultad de Ciencia Política y Gobierno, 2012)
Even before the republican period in Colombia, there were already disputes, clashes and injustices around the estructure of access, tenure and use of land. This situation engendered spatial tensions that can be addressed ...
Efectividad de la sulfadiazina de plata al 1% vs otros manejos médicos tópicos en quemaduras grado II-III: revisión sistemática
Burns are one of the causes of morbidity worldwide, which generates prolonged hospitalizations, disability and physical and psychological alterations. Representing a problem not only public health but also economic. The ...
Crecimiento económico y mercados externos: Las experiencias de Brasil y México.
The present research work has the general objective of studying how the devaluation of the peso could have influenced the trade balance and the growth of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, specifically Mexico ...
Análisis de eventos climáticos extremos y su relación con los servicios ecosistémicos de regulación y mantenimiento del bosque de manglar en el archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina
In recent decades, the impacts associated with climate change have become the central axis of
world conversations, directly influencing sustainable development and territorial planning, with
the aim of minimizing the ...
Compromiso renal como factor pronóstico en pacientes con mieloma múltiple de novo: cohortes retrospectivas, 2015-2020
Introduction: Multiple myeloma is the second most common hematologic malignancy, accounting for approximately 1% of all and 10% to 13% of malignancies. Renal involvement may be present at the time of diagnosis in between ...
Factores pronósticos de mortalidad a un año en pacientes con diagnóstico de metástasis de fosa posterior atendidos en el Hospital Universitario Mayor entre 2013 y 2020
Metastases in the central nervous system are a frequent presentation of systemic tumors and historically their presence indicates an unfavorable prognosis. Treatment is based on surgical resection and radiation, which have ...
Epidemiología y perdurabilidad empresarial en Colombia : Grupo Éxito
(Universidad del RosarioAdministrador de negocios internacionalesFacultad de administración, 2016)
The organizational death is a process that has been taking place in companies of different industries nationwide. The causes are various external factors that impact directly the operations and structure of them. In fact ...
El honor como expresión de la conciencia colectiva en la sociedad del Virreinato de la Nueva Granada, 1760 - 1810
(Universidad del RosarioSociologíaEscuela de Ciencias Humanas, 2015)
This document provides a sociological analysis of the role that honor fulfilled as a value in the society of New Granada during the last years of the colonial period, based on some key concepts that classical authors of ...
Discrepar en tiempos de autoritarismo : censura de prensa en el régimen de Gustavo Rojas Pinilla. El caso del semanario La Unidad, 1953-1955
This investigation deals with the official press censorship exercised by the government of Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (1953-1957). Starting with the case of La Unidad weekly journal, a publication that was placed in opposition, ...