Now showing items 1-10 of 50
Neotropical Piper species: Are they all hermaphroditic?
Sexual expression has been used as a distinctive character among the clades of the genus Piper. Unisexual flowers are described for Paleotropical species, which are usually dioecious, whereas bisexual flowers are associated ...
Characterization of unisexual flower development in the endangered mahogany tree Swietenia macrophylla King. (Meliaceae)
The selection of candidate plus trees of desirable phenotypes from tropical forest trees and the rapid devastation of the natural environments in which these trees are found have created the need for a more detailed knowledge ...
Anatomy and development of the reproductive units of Mapania pycnostachya and Hypolytrum schraderianum (Mapanioideae, Cyperaceae)
(Csiro Publishing, 2016-01-01)
The typical mapaniid reproductive unit, which comprises several bracts, stamens and a gynoecium, may be interpreted as a single flower. Although developmental studies suggest that the mapaniid reproductive units are ...
Characterization of unisexual flower development in the endangered mahogany tree Swietenia macrophylla King. (Meliaceae)
(Blackwell PublishingOxfordInglaterra, 2008)
Inside-out flowers of Lacandonia brasiliana (Triuridaceae) provide new insights into fundamental aspects of floral patterning
(Peerj Inc, 2016-02-04)
Background and Aims. A recently described Brazilian species, Lacandonia brasiliana, shares with its longer established putative sister species from Mexico, L. schismatica, inverted floral patterning (carpels surrounding ...
Structure of staminate flowers, microsporogenesis, and microgametogenesis in helosis cayennensis var. cayennensis (balanophoraceae)
(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Real Jardín Botánico, 2013-07)
Se analizó la estructura de las flores masculinas de Helosis cayennensis (Sw.) Spreng. var. cayennensis con microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido y se estudió la microesporogénesis y la microgametogénesis. Las flores ...
Floral anatomy of Paepalanthoideae (Eriocaulaceae, Poales) and their nectariferous structures
• Background and Aims: Eriocaulaceae (Poales) is currently divided in two subfamilies: Eriocauloideae, which comprises two genera and Paepalanthoideae, with nine genera. The floral anatomy of Actinocephalus polyanthus, ...
Floral anatomy of Paepalanthoideae (Eriocaulaceae, Poales) and their nectariferous structures
• Background and Aims: Eriocaulaceae (Poales) is currently divided in two subfamilies: Eriocauloideae, which comprises two genera and Paepalanthoideae, with nine genera. The floral anatomy of Actinocephalus polyanthus, ...
The gynoecium of male Anchietea pyrifolia (Violaceae): Preserved structure with a new function
Structure of inflorescences and flowers and flowering behaviour are reported for the woody liana Anchietea pyrifolia (Violaceae) from Brazil. The specimen studied is grown for some decades now in the greenhouses of Halle ...
Reproductive biology of Echinodorus longipetalus (Alismataceae): Sexual morphs, breeding system and pollinators
The floral biology, pollinators and breeding system of Echinodorus longipetalus Micheli were studied in a marshy area of the district of Taquaritinga (State of Sao Paulo), southeastern Brazil. E. longipetalus is gynodioecious ...