Now showing items 1-10 of 57
Algoritmo de enrutamiento multicamino UDIC en redes SDNUDIC multipath routing algorithm
(Barranquilla, Universidad del Norte, 2019, 2020)
Los caracoles terrestres (Helix aspersa) y su actividad en el suelo UDIC Haplustalf.
Los caracoles, olvidados por los estudiosos de la biología del suelo, son organismos que como todos los que habitan el suelo ocasionan transformaciones tanto físicas, biológicas como químicas, debido a las mucoproteínas y ...
Cation exchange capacity and mineralogy of loess soils with different amounts of volcanic ashes
(Elsevier, 2014-05)
The cation exchange capacity of soils (CEC) is largely affected by the mineralogy of their parent material. Soils of the Argentinean Pampas develop on illitic loess, mixed, in variable proportions, with volcanic ashes. ...
Agricultural loess soils along a climosequence evidenced different susceptibility to acidification by simulated N-fertilization
(Elsevier Science, 2018-12)
Agricultural loess soils of the central region of Argentina show acidification evidences linked to both climatic conditions and N-fertilization. Because of that, simulations to estimate the future acidification trends under ...
Allophane, aluminum, and organic matter accumulation across a bioclimatic sequence of volcanic ash soils of Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2005-12)
An investigation was conducted to study Al fractions, organic matter accumulation, and their effects on physicochemical properties in soils derived from volcanic ash at the Andinopatagonian region in SW Neuquén, Argentina. ...
Light acidification in N-fertilized loess soils along a climosequence affected chemical and mineralogical properties in the short-term
(Elsevier Science, 2015-12)
Some evidences indicate that N-fertilization of crops decreased pH values of loess soils of the Argentinean Pampas in the last decades. We analyzed the A-horizons of four N-fertilized (F) and non-fertilized (NF) paired ...
Light acidification in N-fertilized loess soils along a climosequence affected chemical and mineralogical properties in the short-term
(Elsevier, 2016-04)
Some evidences indicate that N-fertilization of crops decreased pH values of loess soils of the Argentinean Pampas in the last decades. We analyzed the A-horizons of four N-fertilized (F) and non-fertilized (NF) paired ...
Potassium Supplying Power of the Major Upland Inceptisols of Puerto RicoTítulo en español
(University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus Agricultural Experiment Station, 1980)
Potassium-Supplying Capacity of Six Upland Mollisols from Puerto RicoTítulo en español
(University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus Agricultural Experiment Station, 1983)
Efecto de la posición en la pendiente sobre la productividad de tres secuencias de suelos en ambientes ústicos de Costa Rica
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2005)