Now showing items 1-10 of 461
Practical-empirical theology as a possible methodological approach for a further development of the Latin American theology of the signs of the times.La teología práctica-empírica como un posible enfoque metodológico para un ulterior desarrollo de la teología latinoamericana de los signos de los tiempos
(Universidad Católica Argentina, 2022)
The "signs of the times" in liberation theology
The Theology of Liberation receives Vatican II in a creative manner, precisely because, in a way similar to Gaudium et Spes, which puts the Church on alert to the voice of God in history, the Theology of Liberation is born ...
Praise of TheologyElogio de la teología
(Universidad Católica Argentina, 2018)
“The theology of the end of the world” : rethinking theological ethics from the existential peripheries
(Orbis Books, 2018)
There are many who miss emeritus Pope Benedict XVI’stheological wisdom, but
is Bergoglio less of a theologian than Ratzinger? Is histheology shallower? What kind
of dialogue does histheology holdwith reality?
Forinsta ...
History and the Theological Method in Latín AmericaLa Historia y el Método Teológico en América Latina [1]
(Universidad Católica Argentina, 2022)