Now showing items 1-10 of 1979
Choosing ICT Tools: Proposition of a Model to Deliver Value for Clients
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2014)
Evaluating the effect of coolant pressure and flow rate on tool wear and tool life in the steel turning operation
(Springer London LtdLondonInglaterra, 2010)
Hard turning in continuous and interrupted cut with PCBN and whisker-reinforced cutting tools
(Elsevier Science SaLausanneSuíça, 2009)
How to build science, technology, and innovation indicators using web of of science, Derwent World Patent Index, Bibexcel, and Pajek?Como construir indicadores de Ciência, tecnologia e inovação usando web of science, Derwent World Patent Index, Bibexcel e Pajek?
The goal of this paper is to present a process to retrieve (Bibexcel), organize, and visualize (Pajek), information from data repositories for research publications (Web of Science) and technological efforts (Derwent World ...
Emerging Requirements for Technology Management: A Sector-based Scenario Planning Approach
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2014)
Assertive use of transmedia storytelling and Information and Communication Technology as tools to foster learning
(Editora Univ Leopoldlanum, 2021-01-01)
Technological innovations and contemporary social concepts - virtual, digital, ephemeral, competitive, imagery - favor the development of new educational processes and the inclusion of these technologies as tools to foster ...
Assertive use of transmedia storytelling and Information and Communication Technology as tools to foster learning
(Editora Univ Leopoldlanum, 2021-01-01)
Technological innovations and contemporary social concepts - virtual, digital, ephemeral, competitive, imagery - favor the development of new educational processes and the inclusion of these technologies as tools to foster ...
Otimização da distância de extração de madeira com forwarder
The activities and management operations of wood harvesting do not have good computational tools available to help the forest technicians with the task of cost reduction. In many cases, machines of high investment are used ...
Applications of texturization techniques on cutting tools surfaces-a survey
(Springer, 2020-07-12)
The development of manufacturing processes advances in productivity and cost reduction. Industry 4.0 increasingly allows production to be automated, eliminating production errors and allowing the manufacture of mechanical ...