Now showing items 1-10 of 6753
Belief system of future teachers on Education for Sustainable Development in math classes
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2020)
Emotional education in teachers training: a key for school improvementEducación emocional en la formación docente: clave para la mejora escolar
(Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), 2017)
Innovative training of in-service teachers for active learning: a short teacher development course based on Physics Education Research
(Taylor & Francis, 2007-12)
In this contribution we describe a short development course for in-service physics teachers. The course structure and materials are based on the results of educational research, and its main objective is to provide in-service ...
Law on Teacher Professional Development: From systematic precariousness to the achievements, the advances, and the remaining challenges for professionalizationLey de desarrollo profesional docente en Chile: de la precarización sistemática a los logros, avances y desafíos pendientes para la profesionalización
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades., 2018)
Teacher Pay and Student Performance: Evidence from Brazil
(Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria, 2019)