Now showing items 1-10 of 97
Spherical Functions: The Spheres Vs. The Projective Spaces
(Heldermann Verlag, 2014-01)
In this paper we establish a close relationship between the spherical functions of the n-dimensional sphere $S^n\simeq\SO(n+1)/\SO(n)$ and the spherical functions of the n-dimensional real projective space $P^n(\mathbb{R ...
Mehler-Heine formula: a generalization in the context of spherical functions
(Heldermann Verlag, 2020-01)
In this article, using the notion of group contraction, we obtain the spherical functions of the strong Gelfand pair (M(n),SO(n)) as an appropriate limit of spherical functions of the strong Gelfand pair (SO(n+1),SO(n)) ...
Correspondence between tensorial spin-s and spin-weighted spherical harmonics
(Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2020-06-09)
The tensorial spin-s and the spin weighted spherical harmonics are functions on the sphere which are extremely useful for many calculations in general relativity. These sets of functions constitute two orthonormal bases ...
Spherical Functions of Fundamental K-Types Associated with the n-Dimensional Sphere
(Natl Acad Sci Ukraine, 2014-01)
In this paper, we describe the irreducible spherical functions of fundamentalK-types associated with the pair (G, K) = (SO(n + 1), SO(n)) in terms of matrix hypergeometric functions. The output of this description is that ...
Spherical analysis on homogeneous vector bundles of the 3-dimensional euclidean motion group
(Springer Wien, 2018-04)
We consider R3 as a homogeneous manifold for the action of the motion group given by rotations and translations. For an arbitrary τ∈ SO(3) ^ , let Eτ be the homogeneous vector bundle over R3 associated with τ. An interesting ...
Comment on "The surface potential of a spherical colloid particle: Functional theoretical approach"
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2006-12)
In a work published in this journal by Z.W. Wang, G.Z. Li, D.R. Guan, X.Z. Yi, and A.J. Lou [J. Colloid Interface Sci. 246 (2002) 302], an iterative method for the determination of the potential around a colloidal particle ...
Excitonic states in spherical layered quantum dots
(Elsevier Science, 2020-02)
The properties of excitons formed in spherical quantum dots are studied using the k⋅p method within the Hartree approximation. The spherical quantum dots considered have a central core and several concentric layers of ...
Matrix valued spherical functions associated to the three dimensional hyperbolic space
(World Scientific, 2002-09)
The main purpose of this paper is to compute all irreducible spherical functions on G = SL(2, ℂ) of arbitrary type δ ∈ K̂, where K = SU(2). This is accomplished by associating to a spherical function Φ on G a matrix valued ...
Matrix elements of irreducible representations of SU(n + 1)×SU(n + 1) and multivariable matrix-valued orthogonal polynomials
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2020-04-15)
In Part 1 we study the spherical functions on compact symmetric pairs of arbitrary rank under a suitable multiplicity freeness assumption and additional conditions on the branching rules. The spherical functions are taking ...