Now showing items 1-10 of 24
Comparison of fluoride effects on germination and growth of Zea mays, Glycine max and Sorghum vulgare
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2016-08)
BACKGROUND: Fluorosis is a disease caused by over-exposure to fluoride (F). Argentina's rural lands have higher fluorine content than urban lands. Evidence confirms that plants grown in fluoridated areas could have higher ...
Oxalate determination in urine using an immobilized enzyme on Sorghum vulgare seeds in a flow injection conductimetric system
A flow-injection (FI) method was developed for the determination of oxalate in urine. It was based on the use of oxalate oxidase (E.C. immobilized on ground seeds of the BR-303 Sorghum vulgare variety. A reactor ...
Determination of oxalate in grass by FIA with a spectrophotometric detection system using a two enzyme reactor
(Japan Soc Analytical ChemTokyoJapão, 1996)
Evaluation and characterization of triticale silage (x. Triticosecale wittmack) to replace Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (S. Vulgare Pers.) silage as feed for beef cattle
The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional quality of silages containing 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% triticale replacing sorghum silage feed for beef cattle. It was carried out fractionation of carbohydrates ...
Oxalate determination in urine using an immobilized enzyme on sorghum vulgare seeds in a flow injection conductimetric system
(Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 1997)
Use of sorghum seed tissue as a biocatalyst in a stirred reactor for oxalic acid determination
The enzyme oxalate oxidase, E.C. from Sorghum vulgare seeds (variety BR303) was used to develop a new sensor for oxalate determination without any purification. The sorghum seeds were conditioned in a 0.10 mol I-1 ...
Use of sorghum seed tissue as a biocatalyst in a stirred reactor for oxalic acid determination
(Royal Soc ChemistryCambridgeInglaterra, 1996)
Leaching of nitrate and ammonium from cover crop straws as affected by rainfall
(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2005-01-01)
Nitrogen (N) mineralization dynamics in no-till systems is affected, among other factors, by N amount and quality in the mulch and by climatic conditions. Leaching of NO3-N and NH4-N from six plant species used as soil ...
Lixiviação de potássio da palha de espécies de cobertura de solo de acordo com a quantidade de chuva aplicada
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2003-04-01)
Os restos vegetais deixados na superfície do solo em sistemas de semeadura direta, além de proteger o solo da erosão, constituem considerável reserva de nutrientes que podem ser disponibilizados para a cultura principal, ...