Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 367
Environmental ethics: principles and values for a responsible citizenship in global society
(Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética de la Universidad de Chile, 2013)
Environmental ethics is an applied ethics which reflects about the grounds for duties and responsibilities of humans towards nature, living beings and future generations. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the planetary ...
Environmental ethics: principles and values for a responsible citizenship in global society
(Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética de la Universidad de Chile, 2013)
Environmental ethics is an applied ethics which reflects about the grounds for duties and responsibilities of humans towards nature, living beings and future generations. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the planetary ...
Agro-environmental law in dispute: the presence of foreign capital and the (in)effectiveness of socio-environmental rights in brazilian rural areas
(Univ Santiago Compostela, 2015-01-01)
The presence of the foreign capital in national lands and the submission of internal demands facing the international capital interests are not new aspects in the brazilian social-legal scenario. The advance of capitalist ...
Social Movement Strategies for Articulating Claims for Socio-Ecological Justice: Glocal Asymmetries in the Chilean Forestry Sector
Pinochet's 1974 forestry law led to a rapid increase in development of the sector in southern Chile. Although there have been new employment opportunities and associated economic multiplier effects, the negative impacts ...
Social-environmental conflicts in Chile: Is there any potential for an ecological constitution?
(MDPI, 2021)
© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Social unrest is on the rise worldwide amid deepening inequalities, environmental degradation, and job crises worsened by increasing social-environmental conflicts. ...
Injusticias Ambientales En Colombia: Estadísticas Y Análisis Para 95 Casos
Resumen Las políticas de liberalización de mercados a inicios de los noventa contribuyeron a conservar el rol histórico de Colombia en la división internacional del trabajo como exportadora de materias primas y recursos ...
A justiça socioambiental e o direito ao desenvolvimento (sustentável): da dialética relação ao paradigma de reconstrução de um novo direito e justiça.
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRDireitoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2015-03-18)
This paper presents from the thesis that the Right to Development in a broad sense correctly nurtured in national law and international instruments, the opposite sense, does not lend itself to protect properly and effectively ...
Significados e sentidos de justiça ambiental nas teses e dissertações brasileiras em educação ambientalMeanings and senses of environmental justice in brazilian theses and dissertations in environmental education
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), 2020)
Socio-economic inequalities and the inequitable distribution of environmental risks in chilean metropolis local spaces: a perspective of environmental justice.
(Brazil, Sao Paulo: Presbyterian University Mackenzie; Urbenviron - International Association for Environmental Planning and Management., 2008)
Radical social innovations and the spatialities of grassroots activism: navigating pathways for tackling inequality and reinventing the commons
(University of Arizona Libraries, 2022)
In this article, by drawing on empirical evidence from twelve case studies from nine countries from across the Global South and North, we ask how radical grassroots social innovations that are part of social movements and ...