Now showing items 1-10 of 1875
Organización social y relaciones de cooperación para el cuidado infantil en una población rural del Noroeste ArgentinoSocial organization and cooperative relationships for childcare in a rural community in North-Western Argentina
(Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, 2021-12)
Se caracterizan los vínculos y recursos para el cuidado infantil en una población rural con base en datos cualitativos en el marco de una investigación etnográfica. El apoyo social para el cuidado proviene principalmente ...
Mesas de desarrollo
Las Mesas de Desarrollo son ámbitos de intercambio en donde se encuentran instituciones oficiales (Municipios, INTA, CORFO, Ministerio de Agroindustria, Secretaría de Agricultura Familiar) y organizaciones locales interesadas ...
Genetic approach reveals a polygynous-polyandrous mating system and no social organization in a small and isolated population of the screaming hairy armadillo, Chaetophractus vellerosus
(Springer, 2020-04-19)
The development of agro-ecosystems in the pastures of the Pampean Region has substantially modified their structure and functioning. Many wild mammal populations in the Argentinean Pampas face habitat loss and/or fragmentation ...
Organización social del cuidado y desigualdad: el déficit de políticas públicas de cuidado en ArgentinaSocial organization of care and inequality: the public policies of care deficit in Argentina
(Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Departamento de Planificación y Políticas Públicas, 2016-04)
La manera en que se organiza socialmente el cuidado que permite la reproducción cotidiana de la vida de las personas tiene implicancias determinantes para los niveles de desigualdad social, siendo afectada y afectando la ...
Social Networks and Systems Theory
(National Research University. Higher School of Econoimics, 2021-07)
This paper provides a critical assessment of the conceptions of social networks in systems theory. There are two main solutions to the problem: treating networks as systems, or denying them that status. The last group ...
Measuring the Complexity of Past Social Systems: a Task Analysis Approach to the Study of Late Prehistoric Monumentality in Iberia
(Springer, 2020-11)
In this paper, we explore the heuristic potential of a set of ideas about the structural and functional complexity of systems, proposed in the 1990s by theoretical biologist Daniel McShea. In particular, we focus on the ...
Political training and social change in the 1960s and 1970s: The educational activities of the Latin American central of workers (CLAT)
(Cambridge University Press, 2016-10)
This article reconstructs the educational policies of the Latin American Confederation of Christian Trade Unions (CLASC)—the name of which was later changed to the Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT) —in the context ...
Civic Organizations and Internet Social Networks: A Case Study in the Province of Buenos Aires
(SAGE Publications, 2018-03)
A neighborhood assembly in a medium-sized city in the province of Buenos Aires formed in connection with a petition for designation as a historical protection area uses the Internet to generate visibility spaces alternative ...
Institutional development in two areas of the feudal systemDesarrollo institucional en dos áreas del sistema feudal
(Actas y comunicaciones del Instituto de Historia Antigua y Medieval, 2016-09-25)
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Etnografía de la gestión colectiva de políticas estatales en organizaciones de desocupados de La Matanza -Gran Buenos Aires-
(Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, 2008-08-16)
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