Now showing items 1-10 of 5329
ECOA: Uma proposta de avaliação para as moradias emergenciais do TETO
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilTecnologia em Design GráficoUTFPR, 2019-12-03)
This study presents the development of an evaluation method for the emergency home construction project executed by the TETO Organization. The Caximba community, Curitiba, Brazil, was utilized as study area. The chosen ...
Estrategias de comunicación interna y externa de la organización “Fraternidad Internacional de Jóvenes” (IYF)
Internal and external communication strategies are tools for the development and growth of large
organizations such as social organizations, which promote reflection, debate, and culture. Their
contributions help to solve ...
Estudio de caso: la comunicación externa en la DGAC (Dirección General de Aviación Civil).
For the time being, organizational communication is a powerful tool that has significant relevance at the scope of organizations, since nowadays it leads to the management of organizational processes and the efficient ...
Estrategias comunicacionales para la promoción de “El comedor social Santa María de la Argelia”.
Internal and external communication strategies have been of great impact for organizations, although not all have the same approach, most of them work their communication plans at the level of impact that they will have ...
Participación social de las personas adultas mayores como un indicador del envejecimiento activo - 2022: parroquia La Asunción, cantón Girón, provincia del Azuay
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2023-03-03)
Social participation is the exercise of all the rights of life, through interaction and activities in
groups, centers, or social organizations, with the commitment to achieve common well-being
and improvement. In this ...
Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma de bookmarking social com Django e TDD
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeiraBrasilAnálise e Desenvolvimento de SistemasUTFPR, 2015-06-12)
With the appearance of the Web and the increasing volume of available information emerges the necessity of a way to store user hyperlinks in order to facilitate subsequent access. Early browsers already offer the feature, ...
Implementação de projeto integrado de compostagem e educação ambiental em uma escola na cidade de Natal-RN
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNEngenharia Civil, 2019)
One of the main problems of today's society is the production of residue and its final destination. Organic residue is on average 50% of the total residue produced in the cities and, when not properly disposed of, causes ...
La institucionalización y las redefiniciones del movimiento afrodescendiente de Quito, 2000-2013.
(Quito: UCE, 2014)
La investigación proporciona un estudio sobre la organización social afroecuatoriana de Quito, sus conquistas y redefiniciones en términos de su movilización y organización, en relación a la institucionalización formal de ...
La participación política de la FENOCIN en la revolución ciudadana: ilusiones y desencantos
This academic document is a compendium of the peasant organization, political participation in the current government, the historical social struggles and actions, speeches that its leaders took in the face of the political ...