Now showing items 1-10 of 1518
Social Skills and Resilience in Adolescents of an Educational Institution in North Lima, 2019
(Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2020)
Social skills are a set of partially independent and situationally specific verbal or nonverbal responses, in terms of resilience, it is the set of qualities, resources or strengths that favor adolescents to face the ...
Social Skills and Resilience in Adolescents of an Educational Institution in North Lima, 2019
(Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2020)
Social skills are a set of partially independent and situationally specific verbal or nonverbal responses, in terms of resilience, it is the set of qualities, resources or strengths that favor adolescents to face the ...
Educational program to strengthen school coexistence and social skills in student
(Gate Association for Teaching and EducationTR, 2023)
Education for good coexistence sustained in social skills in school life is a great challenge for the educational community. If daily habits are formed in students that lead to the promotion of social skills, it will become ...
The effects of an appropriate behavior program on elementary school children social skills development in physical education
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2019-09)
The purpose of this study was to see the effects of an appropriate behavior development program in relation to the improvement of fair play and social skills behaviors of elementary school children during the physical ...
Soft skills, a trend in educative researchSoft skills, una tendencia de investigación educativa
(Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, 2021)
Habilidades sociales y la educación virtual de estudiantes universitariosSocial skills and virtual education of university students
(Ciencia Digital Editorial, 2023)
Inequality and technological change
(Quantitative Economics (e-ISSN: 1759-7331), 2024)
We study howtechnological change affects between- and within-education-group
inequality in the United States. We develop a model with heterogeneous workers
and firms in which the demand for skills is characterized by ...
Target behaviors in educational social skills programs for parentsComportamentos-alvos em programas de habilidades sociais educativas para pais
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2011)