Now showing items 1-10 of 877
Human DNA degradation assessment and male DNA detection by quantitative-PCR followed by high-resolution melting analysis
(Elsevier Ireland, 2019-02)
We developed a q-PCR technique that simultaneously evaluates the extent of degradation and determines the gender of a human DNA donor. QYDEG HRM is a triplex real-time PCR whose products are analysed by high-resolution ...
Unsupervised fuzzy binning of metagenomic sequence fragments on three-dimensional Barnes-Hut t-Stochastic Neighbor Embeddings
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018-01-01)
Shotgun metagenomic studies attempt to reconstruct population genome sequences from complex microbial communities. In some traditional genome demarcation approaches, high-dimensional sequence data are embedded into ...
Revision of the taxonomic position of the xylanolytic Bacillus sp. MIR32 reidentified as Bacillus halodurans and plasmid-mediated transformation of B. halodurans
(Springer Tokyo, 2002-06)
Bacillus sp. MIR32 has been isolated using xylan as the only carbon source, and one of its xylanolytic enzymes has been extensively studied. Biochemical analysis first related this strain to Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, but ...
Environmental DNA metabarcoding: an approach for biodiversity monitoringMetabarcoding de DNA ambiental: un enfoque para el seguimiento de la biodiversidad
(Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, 2021)
Generation of sequence-specific, high affinity anti-DNA antibodies.
(American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2001-12)
By taking advantage of the extreme stability of a protein-DNA complex, we have obtained two highly specific monoclonal antibodies against a predetermined palindromic DNA sequence corresponding to the binding site of the ...
Optimization of DNA extraction and PCR protocols for phylogenetic analysis in Schinopsis spp. and related Anacardiaceae
(SpringerOpen, 2016-12)
The Anacardiaceae is an important and worldwide distributed family of ecological and socio-economic relevance. Notwithstanding that, molecular studies in this family are scarce and problematic because of the particularly ...
Specific antibody-DNA interaction: a novel strategy for tight DNA recognition.
(American Chemical Society, 2003-12)
Anti-double-stranded DNA monoclonal antibodies against a viral transcriptional regulatory site are capable of discriminating single-base replacements with affinities of 1 x 10(-9) M, which were optimized for the length of ...
Genomic differentiation of Deschampsia antarctica and D. cespitosa (Poaceae) based on satellite DNA
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2020-07-04)
Repetitive DNA is a rapidly evolving component of vascular plant genomes, which can account for genomic differentiation in plant lineages. Satellite DNA (satDNA) is tandem repetitive DNA for which array size and disposition ...
Increasing the digital repository of DNA barcoding sequences of sand flies (Psychodidae: Phlebotominae)
(Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2019-11-28)
Sand f ly identification is complex because it depends on the expertise of the taxonomist. The females show subtle morphological differences and the occurrence of the species complexes are usual in this taxon. Therefore, ...
Characterization of the repetitive DNA landscape in wheat homeologous group 4 chromosomes
The number and complexity of repetitive elements varies between species, being in general most represented in those with larger genomes. Combining the flow-sorted chromosome arms approach to genome analysis ...