Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Secular effects of ultralight dark matter on binary pulsars
(American Physical Society, 2020-03)
Dark matter (DM) can consist of very light bosons behaving as a classical scalar field that experiences coherent oscillations. The presence of this DM field would perturb the dynamics of celestial bodies, either because ...
The dynamical evolution of close-in binary systems formed by a super-Earth and its host star: Case of the Kepler-21 system
(EDP Sciences, 2020-09)
Aims. The aim of this work is to develop a formalism for the study of the secular evolution of a binary system which includes interaction due to the tides that each body imparts on the other. We also consider the influence ...
Dynamic portrait of the region occupied by the Hungaria asteroids: the influence of Mars
(Oxford University Press, 2018-06)
The region occupied by the Hungaria asteroids has a high-dynamical complexity. In this paper, we analyse the main dynamic structures and their influence on the known asteroids through the construction of maps of initial ...
Resonant capture and tidal evolution in circumbinary systems: Testing the case of Kepler-38
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2018-07)
Circumbinary planets are thought to form far from the central binary and migrate inwards by interactions with the circumbinary disc, ultimately stopping near their present location either by a planetary trap near the disc ...
Resonance capture and dynamics of three-planet systems
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2018-06)
We present a series of dynamical maps for fictitious three-planet systems in initially circular coplanar orbits. These maps have unveiled a rich resonant structure involving two or three planets, as well as indicating ...
A self-consistent weak friction model for the tidal evolution of circumbinary planets
(EDP Sciences, 2019-07)
We present a self-consistent model for the tidal evolution of circumbinary planets that is easily extensible to any other three-body problem. Based on the weak-friction model, we derive expressions of the resulting forces ...
Educar para la democracia: la formación docente como proyecto político para la transformación cultural (Córdoba-Argentina, 1941-1943)Educating for Democracy: Teacher Training as a Political Project for Cultural Transformation (Córdoba-Argentina, 1941-1943)
(FahrenHouse, 2021-06)
En una década caracterizada en Argentina por el fraude electoral y las restricciones a las libertades políticas, en la provincia de Córdoba el radicalismo más progresista impulsó reiteradamente una reforma educativa que ...