Now showing items 1-10 of 183
Self-Criticism: A Measure of Uncompassionate Behaviors Toward the Self, Based on the Negative Components of the Self-Compassion Scale
(Frontiers Media Sa, 2016)
Background: The use of the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) as a single measure has been pointed out as problematic by many authors and its originally proposed structure has repeatedly been called into question. The negative ...
Genetic parameters for buffalo milk yield and milk quality traits using Bayesian inference
(Amer Dairy Science Assoc-adsa, 2010-05-01)
The availability of accurate genetic parameters for important economic traits in milking buffaloes is critical for implementation of a genetic evaluation program. In the present study, heritabilities and genetic correlations ...
Fermentação e Degradabilidade Ruminal em Bovinos Alimentados com Resíduos de Mandioca e Cana-de-Açúcar ensilados com Polpa Cítrica Peletizada
(Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2002-01-01)
O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a degradabilidade ruminal da matéria seca (MS), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e amido, além de pH, amônia e ácidos graxos voláteis ruminais, em bovinos alimentados ...
Murcha-de-curtobacterium do feijoeiro no Estado de Santa Catarina e reação de genótipos a Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens
(Grupo Paulista de Fitopatologia, 2006-03-01)
Avaliou-se a ocorrência da murcha-de-curtobacterium em lavouras de feijoeiro comum em algumas localidades do Estado de Santa Catarina, nas safras 2002/03 e 2003/04, e o comportamento dos genótipos BRS Valente, Carioca, CHC ...
Mechanisms of karyotype differentiation in Cassidinae sensu lato (Coleoptera, Polyphaga, Chrysomelidae) based on seven species of the Brazilian fauna and an overview of the cytogenetic data
(Pergamon-Elsevier B.V. Ltd, 2010-01-01)
Among the subfamilies of Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae sensu lato (s.l.) includes 6000 species distributed in 43 tribes. Approximately 100 of these species were cytogenetically analyzed and most of them presented 2n = 18 = 16 ...
Efeito de doses de potássio na severidade da murcha-de-curtobacterium em cultivares de feijoeiro comum
(Grupo Paulista de Fitopatologia, 2006-06-01)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de doses de potássio (K) na severidade da murcha-de-curtobacterium em três cultivares de feijoeiro (IAC Carioca Pyatã, IPR 88 - Uirapuru e SCS 202 - Guará), em condições de ...
Population structure and effects of inbreeding on milk yield and quality of Murrah buffaloes
(Elsevier B.V., 2011-10-01)
To provide data for conservation, selection, and expansion programs of buffalo herds, this study evaluated the history of a population of Murrah buffaloes based on population structure and the effect of inbreeding on ...
(Natl Research Council Canada, 1993-12-01)
Some adaptations of the synaptonemal complex (SC) whole-mounting technique first used in plants permitted its application to meiotic studies in tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Direct observation of the chromosome pairing ...