Now showing items 1-10 of 18556
Safety disconnect: Analysis of the role of labor experience and safety training on work safety perceptions
(Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2018)
Extraordinary Passive Safety in Cars Using a Sensor Network Model
(Revista INGENIERÍA, 2022)
Occupational safety and health in Peru
(ElsevierGB, 2015-12-17)
Peru is a country located on the Pacific coast of South America with a population of more than 30 million inhabitants. In the past 10 years, Peru has had a steady economic growth. Peru is predominantly an extractive industry ...
Safety, reliability and economics in mining systems
(IEEE, 2006)
Events, incidents, accidents, failures, production losses, life reduction of equipment, casualties, and insurance coverage are all critical topics with respect to safety, reliability, and economics. This paper identifies ...
A safety assessment methodology applied to CNS/ATM-based air traffic control system
In the last decades, the air traffic system has been changing to adapt itself to new social demands, mainly the safe growth of worldwide traffic capacity. Those changes are ruled by the Communication, Navigation, ...
Work inspections as a control mechanism for mitigating work accidents in Europe
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2020)
Safety in agricultural machinery: an alternative in reducing production costs in Brazilian agriculture
(Portuguese Soc Occupational Safety & Hygiene, 2015-01-01)
It is known that the rural worker is exposed to a number of environmental factors that influence directly in the performance of his work as the mechanical vibrations and the risks of the machine tipping over. These harmful ...
Effect of motivation of employee, safety and health on employee performance
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)