Now showing items 1-10 of 371
Latin American Youths' Migration Journeys and Settlement in the Tarapacá Region in Chile: Implications for Sexual and Reproductive Health
The sexual and reproductive health of young migrants has not been sufficiently addressed in mobility studies. In this article, we dwell on some aspects of this issue in the migration process of Latin American youth. We ...
Latin American Youths’ Migration Journeys and Settlement in the Tarapacá Region in Chile: Implications for Sexual and Reproductive Health
The sexual and reproductive health of young migrants has not been sufficiently addressed in mobility studies. In this article, we dwell on some aspects of this issue in the migration process of Latin American youth. We ...
Strengths and challenges of a school-based sexual and reproductive health program for adolescents in Chile
Background: Adolescent sexual and reproductive health services in Chile have been primarily provided through health centers. Although some school-based initiatives have been implemented, to date, these have not been assessed. ...
Intersectoral strategies between health and education for preventing adolescent pregnancy in Chile: Findings from a qualitative study
Background: In Chile, despite its steady decrease overall, adolescent pregnancy is concentrated in the most vulnerable population. Efforts in intersectoral collabora-tion between health and education to ...
Global research priorities for COVID-19 in maternal, reproductive and child health: Results of an international survey
The World Health Organization's "Coordinated Global Research Roadmap: 2019 Novel Coronavirus" outlined the need for research that focuses on the impact of COVID-19 on pregnant women and children. More than one year after ...
Epidemiological transitions, reproductive health, and the Flexible Response Model
In concert with improving standards of living since the mid-19th century, chronic and non-infectious diseases replaced infectious diseases as the major causes of mortality in more developed countries. Thus, ...