Now showing items 1-10 of 70
Gabriel-constrained Parametric Surface Triangulation
(InTech, 2009-11-01)
The Boundary Representation of a 3D manifold contains FACES (connected subsets of a parametric surface S( ): R2 -> R3). In many science and engineering applications it is cumbersome and algebraically difficult to deal with ...
Gabriel-constrained Parametric Surface Triangulation
(InTech, 2009-11-01)
The Boundary Representation of a 3D manifold contains FACES (connected subsets of a parametric surface S( ): R2 -> R3). In many science and engineering applications it is cumbersome and algebraically difficult to deal with ...
Gabriel-constrained Parametric Surface Triangulation
(InTech, 2009-11-01)
The Boundary Representation of a 3D manifold contains FACES (connected subsets of a parametric surface S( ): R2 -> R3). In many science and engineering applications
it is cumbersome and algebraically difficult to deal with ...
Images in prison and “thumbs up” poses – We’re fine
Teachers' representations in the identity construction process of deaf people in their educationLas representaciones de los docentes en los procesos de construcción identitarios de las personas sordas dentro de su educaciónAs representações docentes nos processos de construção identitária dos surdos na própria educação
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades., 2018)
Mapas conceptuales vs. resúmenes: diferencias en las modalidades de construcción colaborativaConceptuals maps vs summaries: differences in the modalities of collaborative construction
(Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, 2020-12)
Se comparan dos recursos didácticos: el mapa conceptual y el resumen, entendidos como sistemas externos de representación cognitiva. En el enfoque teórico utilizado, tales sistemas externos no son entendidos como mera ...
The representation of data in tables and graphs in Mathematical subject in students of fourth degree of primary schoolLa representación de datos en tablas y gráficos en la asignatura Matemática en escolares de cuarto grado de la escuela primaria
(Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, 2014)
Representaciones al interior del Poder Judicial: imaginarios acerca del migrante externo respecto de la identidad nacional y la ciudadanía
(Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani", 2015-10)
Este artículo aborda las representaciones sociales contemporáneas que miembros del Poder Judicial del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA) construyen sobre migrantes europeos que han arribado al país y migrantes ...
Analytic approximation to the scattering of antiplane shear waves by free surfaces of arbitrary shape via superposition of incident, reflected and diffracted rays
(OXFORD UNIV PRESSUniversidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, 2013-03-01)
The scattering induced by surface topographies of arbitrary shapes, submitted to horizontally polarized shear waves (SH) is studied analytically. In particular, we propose an analysis technique based on a representation ...