Now showing items 1-10 of 1161
Financial Diplomacy in the Global Periphery: Between Cooperation and Coercion. Theoretical-Empirical Approaches Based on the Credit Relationships of Argentina with Venezuela and China
This article aims to analyze the characteristics of financial diplomacy in the global periphery during the early years of the 21st. century. Specifically, the paper focuses on the credit operations conducted Argentina with ...
[Relatório de viagem à República Popular da China]
(CPRM, 2017)
[Relatório de viagem à República Popular da China]
(CPRM, 2017)
Crescimento econômico e desenvolvimento: os desafios da China no século XXI
(Universidade Federal da Grande DouradosBrasilFaculdade de Direito e Relações InternacionaisUFGD, 2020)
La incidencia de la República Popular China en Sudamérica y su impacto en la UNASUR
(Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales (UNLP), 2016)
Uma nação entre dois Estados: cooperação e conflito entre Taiwan e China
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2022-04-25)
The present work aims to analyze the relations of cooperation and conflict, existing since 1949, between the then newly proclaimed People’s Republic of China (PRC) against the then deposed Republic of China (RC), the latter ...
Virada verde na china? : um estudo sobre a trajetória da política de energia renovável chinesa (2000-2017)
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFAF - DEPARTAMENTO DE CIÊNCIA POLÍTICAPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência PolíticaUFMG, 2019-04-22)
China is the country that invests more in renewable energy and only in 2017 invested 126.6 billion dollars in the sector. The country’s rapid development in renewable energy technologies is especially noteworthy due to the ...