Now showing items 1-10 of 29080
Estimation of Electric Demand from Electric Vehicles Using Spatial Regressions
The acquisition of electric vehicles depends on socioeconomic factors and does not occur homogeneously in the different zones of urban areas for the early years of the electric vehicles penetrations. The concentration of ...
Reflection on logistic regression and clinical decisions [Reflexión acerca de la regresión logística y las decisiones clínicas]
(Circulo Medico de Rosario, 2018)
Morphometric study of the postnatal growth of the parotid gland of the mouse
The growth of the mouse parotid glands during 7 and 35 days of postnatal life was studied by morphometric methods. The mass of the gland, the volume of each morphological compartment, and the cell number in each compartment ...
Morphometric study of the postnatal growth of the parotid gland of the mouse
The growth of the mouse parotid glands during 7 and 35 days of postnatal life was studied by morphometric methods. The mass of the gland, the volume of each morphological compartment, and the cell number in each compartment ...