Now showing items 1-10 of 6614
Refrigerador de bebidas de alto rendimento
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeira, 2011-12-01)
In Brazil, it is customary in fellowship with friends and family to drink cold beer, preferably close to its solidification temperature, 0°C. Building a device capable of obtaining this temperature for a lot of beers and ...
Energy and exergy evaluation of ice production by absorption refrigeration
(Amer Soc Agricultural EngineersSt Joseph, 1997)
Performance Evaluation Of A Vapor Injection Refrigeration System Using Mixture Refrigerant R290/r600a
Performance Evaluation Of A Vapor Injection Refrigeration System Using Mixture Refrigerant R290/r600a
(Elsevier Sci LTDOxford, 2016)
The effects of pre-planting refrigeration on bulbs over the development and yield of garlic 'Chines', 'Contestado' and 'Quiteria'
The objective of this research uas to evaluate the effect of five pre-planting refrigeration periods previously to the cloves planting (0,10,20, 30 and 40 days at a temperature of 4.0 ± 1° C and three garlic cultivars ...
The effects of pre-planting refrigeration on bulbs over the development and yield of garlic 'Chines', 'Contestado' and 'Quiteria'
The objective of this research uas to evaluate the effect of five pre-planting refrigeration periods previously to the cloves planting (0,10,20, 30 and 40 days at a temperature of 4.0 ± 1° C and three garlic cultivars ...
Avaliação energética de um sistema de refrigeração por absorção utilizando gás de aterro e gás natural
The current technological development made by the absorption refrigeration system is an economic and ambient alternative in comparison to the vapor cycle, possessing an advantage that uses thermal energy that is less noble. ...
Avaliação energética de um sistema de refrigeração por absorção utilizando gás de aterro e gás natural
The current technological development made by the absorption refrigeration system is an economic and ambient alternative in comparison to the vapor cycle, possessing an advantage that uses thermal energy that is less noble. ...
Bancada didática para sistema de refrigeração por absorção
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeira, 2013-04-04)
This paper presents the development and construction of a bench didactic system for domestic absorption. The goal is to help in the training process and students' learning of UTFPR and cooling professionals, by demonstrating ...