Now showing items 1-10 of 117
Magnetic reconnection in two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
(American Physical Society, 2009-12)
Systematic analysis of numerical simulations of two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence reveals the presence of a large number of X-type neutral points where magnetic reconnection occurs. We examine the statistical ...
Overview on numerical studies of reconnection and dissipation in the solar wind
(American Institute of Physics, 2013-06-13)
In this work, recent advances in numerical studies of local reconnection events in the turbulent plasmas are reviewed. Recently [1], the nonlinear dynamics of magnetic reconnection in turbulence has been investigated through ...
Impact of the Eulerian chaos of magnetic field lines in magnetic reconnection
(American Institute of Physics, 2016-12)
Stochasticity is an ingredient that may allow the breaking of the frozen-in law in the reconnection process. It will first be argued that the non-ideal effects may be considered as an implicit way to introduce stochasticity. ...
Intra spinal administration of Netrin-1 promotes locomotor recovery after complete spinal cord transection
(Mary Ann Liebert, 2021-08)
Complete spinal cord lesions interrupt the connection of all axonal projections with their neuronal targets below and above the lesion site. In particular, the interruption of connections with the neurons at lumbar segments ...
Helicity, topology, and Kelvin waves in reconnecting quantum knots
(American Physical Society, 2016-04)
Helicity is a topological invariant that measures the linkage and knottedness of lines, tubes, and ribbons. As such, it has found myriads of applications in astrophysics, fluid dynamics, atmospheric sciences, and biology. ...
Complex Thought and the Recconection Of KnowledgeO pensamento complexo de Edgar Morin e a religação dos saberes
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2021)
Self-organized criticality in the substorm phenomenon and its relation to localized reconnection in the magnetospheric plasma sheetJOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCHJ GEOPHYS RES
The changing topology of the duskside magnetopause boundary layer in relation to IMF orientation
(Elsevier, 2006-01)
On 7 December 2000, Cluster made an extended outbound radial traversal of the duskside magnetopause boundary layer. The long duration of the crossing, during which Cluster spent several hours within 2RE of the nominal ...
How Can Active Region Plasma Escape into the Solar Wind from Below a Closed Helmet Streamer?
(Springer, 2014-11)
Recent studies show that active-region (AR) upflowing plasma, ob- served by the EUV-Imaging Spectrometer (EIS), onboard Hinode, can gain access to open field-lines and be released into the solar wind (SW) via magnetic- ...