Now showing items 1-10 of 4780
Quantum dissidents: Research on the foundations of quantum theory circa 1970
(Elsevier, 2009-12)
Numerical time development in quantum mechanics using a reduced Hilbert space approach
(Open Source Physics, 2016)
Evolución asintótica de sistemas cuánticos abiertos
La forma de la dinámica más general posible para un sistema cuántico abierto se conoce desde 1976 (Gorini, Kossakowski & Sudarshan; Lindblad).
Se discute la problemática del comportamiento a tiempos grandes, se estudian ...
Quantum-mechanical measurement of energy eigenstates and superpositions
(Open Source Physics, 2016)
Quantum-mechanical measurement of energy eigenstates and superpositions
(Open Source Physics, 2011)
Quantum dissidents: Research on the foundations of quantum theory circa 1970
(Elsevier, 2009-12)
his paper makes a collective biographical profile of a sample of physicists who were protagonists in the research on the foundations of quantum physics circa 1970. We study the cases of Zeh, Bell, Clauser, Shimony, Wigner, ...
Measurement of quantum-mechanical spin-1/2 systems
(Open Source Physics, 2011)
Measurement of quantum-mechanical spin-1/2 systems
(Open Source Physics, 2016)