Now showing items 1-10 of 121
Articulation and perception of the /t/ phoneme in a speech corpus of edentulous elderly adults wearing dental prosthesesArticulación y percepción de /t/ en el habla de adultos mayores edéntulos y portadores de prótesis dentales totales
(Instituto de Lingüística y Literatura. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Universidad Austral de Chile, 2021)
Silicon based materials for drug delivery devices and implants
(Bentham Science Publishers, 2007-11)
This patent review focuses on silicon based materials for drug delivery systems and implant devices devoted to medical applications. The article describes some representative examples of the most depictive silicon based ...
Computer-assisted surgery for replacement of the temporomandibular joint with customized prostheses: can we validate the results?
(Springer, 2020-09)
Purpose: Replacing the temporomandibular joint poses an important challenge to maxillofacial surgeons, and for certain disorders, it represents the treatment’s gold standard. Computer-assisted surgery (comprising preoperative ...
Anodic oxidation of titanium for implants and prosthesis: Processing, characterization and potential improvement of osteointegration
(Springer ; International Federation for Medical & Biological EngineeringGrupo de Biomateriales Avanzados y Medicina Regenerativa (BAMR)Huddinge, Suecia, 2023)