Now showing items 1-10 of 1287
O IPTU e suas características constitucionais e infraconstitucionais frente ao princípio da progressividade
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2015-12-18)
The Brazil today is considered one of the countries that contain the highest tax burden in the world, however, continues to occupy the last positions in the ranking that measures the quality of services offered to the ...
Hyper-fortunes and superrich: why does wealth tax make sense
(Comisión Económica para América Latina y El Caribe, Chile, 2020)
This article proposes a model to estimate the wealth of the richest groups in society
and to design an efficient wealth tax system. For design and implementation
issues, it reviews comparative international experience ...
Evasión y agrupamiento en el impuesto territorial : evidencia de Chile
(Universidad de Chile, 2021)
This is the first paper to estimate and model property tax evasion
in Chile. Property size as reported to Chile’s national tax authority by
homeowners is compared with estimates of property size obtained from a
private ...
Peru: Determination of the potential collection gap for city taxes, 2014-2021Perú: Determinación de la brecha de recaudación potencial de los impuestos y arbitrios municipales, 2014-2021
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Contables, 2021)
Análise exploratória da graduação da capacidade contributiva, através da progressividade fiscal, no IMI, em Portugal, e a verificação da constitucionalidade de sua aplicação ao IPTU no município do Recife
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2017-06-27)
Brazil has adopted a severe fiscal austerity regime as a means of combating the economic
crisis through Constitutional Amendment No. 95/2016. In order to provide other solutions
to deal with the crisis, especially in the ...
Land taxes in a Latin American context
(Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia da FGV, 2004-02-01)
Since Henry George (1839-1897) economists have been arguing that a tax on unimproved land is an ideal tax on efficiency grounds. Output taxes, on the other hand, have distortionary effects on the economy. This paper shows ...
Los impuestos que gravan la propiedad inmobiliaria en el Ecuador
In this monographic work will determine the taxes that tax Real Property in Ecuador, will be covered therefore those taxes existing within our legal system that tax real estate property, whether these national or sectional ...
Tackling wealth accumulation in a context of social upheaval: the property tax in Chile
In this paper, we ask whether progressive reforms are possible inconditions of right-wing politics and elite opposition. We studythe scope of a tax reform in the context of wealth concentration,socio-spatial segregation, ...