Now showing items 1-10 of 114
Análise diária das chuvas intensas na bacia do Rio Mourão PR
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCampo MouraoBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de AmbientalEngenharia AmbientalUTFPR, 2018-11-21)
One of the most important weather events in climate characterization is precipitation. The study of rainfall, especially heavy rainfall, is of great importance for the most diverse engineering works, such as urban drainage, ...
Índice de erosividade para os municípios de Francisco Beltrão e Pato Branco - PR
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáFrancisco BeltraoBrasilEngenharia AmbientalUTFPR, 2017-11-21)
Erosion is a natural process, responsible for the loss of the soil surface layer and consequent degradation of the soil. This erosion can be accelerated by the anthropogenic action that causes environmental problems. The ...
Influência das condições meteorológicas na concentração do material particulado (MP10) na cidade de Francisco Beltrão, Paraná
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáFrancisco BeltraoBrasilEngenharia AmbientalUTFPR, 2022-06-24)
The disorderly growth in urban centers causes irreversible damage to the environment, directly affecting human health and has been the motivation for the development of studies on air quality. Francisco Beltrão is located ...
Avaliação do desempenho de equações IDF a partir de dados de precipitação de sensoriamento remoto (TMPA-v7)
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPato BrancoBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de Construção CivilEngenharia CivilUTFPR, 2017-06-21)
The demand for urban drainage systems was limited by the difficulties imposed by the cities, which demand precision in the design, considering the setback of excessive spending when oversizing and constant faults and their ...
Índice de risco de incêndios florestais para Maringá - Paraná
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCampo MouraoBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de AmbientalEngenharia AmbientalUTFPR, 2022-05-30)
The present study aimed to identify, through the Monte Alegre Formula, the critical periods for the occurrence of forest fires in the municipality of Maringá. Such forest fires represent a great problem to the environment ...
Determinação da equação de chuvas intensas para o município de Toledo / PR
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáToledoBrasilEngenharia CivilUTFPR, 2017-11-09)
Through intense rainfall, which relates the intensity, duration and frequency of rainfall, it becomes possible to analyze the questions related to hydraulic works, by means of a characteristic equation for the locality in ...
Caracterización de la precipitación espacial en las cuencas hidrográficas de los ríos Tomebamba y Yanuncay
Knowledge of environmental variables is important because of their influence on human activities. A factor of interest is precipitation. The water resource is essential for the development of the populations, being vital ...
Comparação de mapas temáticos de dados pluviométricos utilizando como interpoladores a krigagem e o inverso do quadrado da distância
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáToledoBrasilEngenharia CivilUTFPR, 2019-06-11)
Annual total rainfall is a parameter for water planning of a region and papers use thematic maps to generate the surface, but few evaluate the best interpolator for these data. In this paper it’s compared the methods of ...
Estimativa e mapeamento da chuva de projeto para instalações prediais na região oeste do Paraná
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáToledoBrasilEngenharia CivilUTFPR, 2018-06-07)
The design rainfall is one of the fundamental parameters to the elaboration of rainwater buildings facilities projects. According to NBR 10844 it is recommended to obtain the rainfall intensity from historical series data ...
Análise da distribuição espacial e temporal da pluviosidade na Bacia do Rio Pirapó - PR
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCampo Mourao, 2013-09-10)
Rainfall for being a discontinuous phenomenon, is highly variable in time and space, eventually becomes necessary to understand its distribution and variability, so it is essential to analyze both dynamic factors, atmospheric ...