Now showing items 1-10 of 51
A Further Look at the Dramatic Parallels in García Lorca and Tennessee Williams: The Poetic Qualities and Symbolism in Yerma and The Purification
(Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje, 2013)
The ludic, the aesthetic and the poetic universe in Music Education: some thoughts after Edgar Morin
(Programa Pos-graduacao Musica-ppgm, 2017-05-01)
Edgar Morin surrounds the theme of human identity on his book The Method vol.5 - the humanity of humanity. In this work, the author develops what he calls the dialogic of sapiens-demens, by taking the human identity as a ...
Êxtase enfermiço: neurose e a poética da transcendência em Cruz e Sousa
This article is a discussion on the vision of transcendence peculiar to the poetic of Decadentism and considers the reference offered for the Cruz e Sousa´s poetry. We call poetic transcendence the search for Ideal and for ...
A questão da inexauribilidade do texto: o Frühromantik e a escritura derridiana
This article aims to investigate the configuration on the new scenario, during the Early German Romanticism, which led to dismantle the philosophical discourse as the expression of a safe and fixed content, free from the ...
Sobre Villiers de l'Isle-Adam e seus contos cruéis
Villiers de l’Isle-Adam (1838-1889) is always remembered and admired for his books: Contes cruels, L’Ève future and Claire Lenoir- which summarize the main worries of the writer, his satire of the triumphant Positivism, ...
Distantes espejos y reflejos de un mismo sol : el "sentimiento solar" de Julio Cortázar como culminación de su Antropología poética en poética históricaFaraway mirrors and the reflection of the same sun : Julio Cortázar’s ‘solar feeling’ as the culmination of his poetic anthropology in historical poetics
(Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto Literaturas Modernas, 2013)
Presepe: criação de uma realidade
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2012)
O texto que segue tem como objetivo propor uma leitura do conto “Presepe”, de Guimarães Rosa, mostrando o caminho trilhado pelo personagem Tio Bola para reviver o momento do nascimento do menino Jesus, rompendo os limites ...
Escenas de enunciación en la antología “La edad anaranjada” de Marosa Di GiorgioScenes of enunciation in the anthology "La edad anaranjada" by Marosa Di Giorgio
(Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2017)
Resumen: La antología poética, La edad anaranjada, de la literata uruguaya Marosa Di Giorgio fue editada en el Ecuador en el 2012 y pone en circulación en el país las propuestas poéticas de esta escritora fundamental de ...