Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Aportes al conocimiento del fitoplancton de la laguna del Parque Unzué (Gualeguaychú, Argentina)Contributions to the knowledge of the phytoplankton of the lake of the Parque Unzué (Gualeguaychú, Argentina)
(Asociación de Ciencias Naturales del Litoral, 2017-05)
La laguna del Parque Unzué se encuentra dentro de una importante área recreativa de la ciudad turística de Gualeguaychú (Entre Ríos, Argentina). El objetivo de este trabajo fue aportar conocimientos sobre la riqueza y ...
Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) associated with free-drifting Antarctic icebergs: taxonomy and distribution
(Springer, 2015-10)
There are several recent studies about life in relation to Antarctic icebergs. Diatom communities have been found living on submerged vertical walls of icebergs. In this study we complement and extend the taxonomic and ...
Changes in the epipelic diatom assemblage in nutrient rich streams due to the variations of simultaneous stressors
(Elsevier Gmbh, 2015-03-03)
Benthic diatoms are often used for assessing environmental conditions, such as water quality and habitat conditions in stream and river systems. Although laboratory experiments have shown that each diatom species have ...
Epilithic diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) as indicators of water quality in the Upper Lerma River, MexicoDiatomeas epilíticas como indicadores de la calidad del agua en la cuenca alta del río Lerma, México
(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, 2012)
Habitat controls on limno-terrestrial diatom communities of Clearwater Mesa, James Ross Island, Maritime Antarctica
(Springer, 2019-08)
Diatoms are important ecological indicators in Antarctica, and paleolimnologists routinely apply transfer functions to fossil diatoms recovered from lake sediments to reconstruct past environments. However, living diatom ...