Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Impacto dos laudos de homicídio de latrocínio junto aos operadores do direito e às sentenças judiciais: o caso da perícia criminal do Instituto de Criminalística no âmbito do Distrito Federal
This research aims to identify the role of the Report of Criminal Expertise with the law operators as well as the rate of participation in the judgments in court procedures. It is known that the Report of Criminal Expertise ...
A motivação no serviço público federal: o caso da perícia criminal federal
This study aimed to identify whether the Federal Criminal Forensic Scientists who exercis e their activities in Forensic Science function are motivated to perform their duties and seek to relate the causes of demotivation. ...
O processo de construção da identidade do profissional Perito Criminal Federal
According to the Criminal Processual Code of Brazil, the crime scene investigation is essential, and can not be replaced by the confession of the accused in the crimes that leave evidences. This research begins a study on ...
Normas internacionais de contabilidade: percepções dos peritos criminais federais sobre os impactos de sua adoção na atividade de perícia oficial realizada em fraudes contábeis no Brasil
The impacts of adopting International Accounting Standards (IFRSs) has been the subject of debate in the professional and academics media, however, little has been researched on the impact of adopting IFRSs in federal ...
A percepção dos peritos criminais federais que atuam em crimes financeiros sobre as competências necessárias para o exercício de suas atividades
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi apreender a percepção dos peritos criminais federais da área financeira, que atuam na Polícia Federal, sobre as competências necessárias para o exercício de suas atividades. Para tanto, ...
A autonomia da Perícia Criminal Oficial no âmbito da Polícia Federal: percepções e reflexões dos profissionais do Sistema de Justiça Criminal
This study deals with the issue of the Criminal Forensics’s autonomy in relation to the Brazilian Federal Police. The study, notably of a descriptive nature, with exploratory phases, aims to describe the perceptions and ...
A motivação dos peritos criminais das unidades técnico-científicas da Polícia Federal na Bahia
This study aimed at identifying which factors cause the motivation of the criminal experts of the technical units of the Brazilian Federal Police at the state of Bahia, in the development of their activities. For this ...
A efetividade do laudo pericial: um estudo sobre a influência do laudo pericial de informática na decisão judicial
The current work presents a study on the effectiveness of the Forensics Computer Report with regard to the aid in the formation of the conviction of the magistrate to elaborate sentences. Therefore, studies were carried ...
A interiorização da Perícia Criminal Federal
This research focuses on the internalization of the Criminalistics (Forensic Service) of the Federal Police, which consists of a project to open scientific and technical units to perform forensic examinations in some cities ...
Segurança e gestão de riscos na atividade pericial
Risks are part of life for people engaged in all kinds of professions and activities. In the case of the Police personnel, these risks are magnified due to the situations which they are exposed during their duties. For the ...