Now showing items 1-10 of 5403
Current concepts about periodontal disease and relationship with systemic diseases
Periodontal disease may be characterized by clinical symptoms such as gingival bleeding, tooth mobility, pathologic migration of supportive tissues, and loss of chewing ability. In addition, it may be classified as an ...
Reparative phase events on periodontal disease progression: interpretation and considerations
Periodontal disease progress by destructive acute phases intercalated by reparative chronic phases. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical and histological evidence of the periodontal disease reparative phase ...
Probiotics and periodontal disease
During the last decade, new therapies involving the host response modulation in periodontal disease have been tested, and recent studies demonstrate that some probiotics are beneficial to oral health, decreasing the ...
Diabetes y su impacto en el territorio periodontal
Diabetes y enfermedad periodontal corresponden probablemente al mejor ejemplo de cómo una enfermedad sistémica puede tener un efecto en el territorio periodontal. Si bien esta asociación ha sido extensamente estudiada, ...
Periodontal therapy in a patient with aggressive periodontitisTerapia periodontal en un paciente con periodontitis agresiva
(Facultad de Odontología, 2010)
Gu?a de manejo para pacientes diab?ticos en cirug?a periodontal
(Santo Domingo: Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), 2020)
[Espa?ol] La enfermedad periodontal y la diabetes son enfermedades comunes alrededor del mundo. La diabetes puede afectar el curso de la enfermedad periodontal. En donde, se hace necesario que al paciente se le efect?e un ...
Use of salivary biomarkers for diagnosis of periodontal disease activity: a literature review
Periodontal disease is an infectious disease characterized by the connective tissue destruction and consequent alveolar bone loss in response to plaque accumulation on the tooth surface. The clinical diagnosis of periodontal ...
Sistemas de liberação de fármaco intrabolsa periodontal
Periodontal disease is very common in the world population. It is caused by the accumulation of microbial components of the dental biofilm inside the subgingival areas, producing an inflammatory process that affects the ...
Obesity influences the proteome of periodontal ligament tissues following periodontitis induction in rats
Background and Objectives: Many studies have been conducted to better understand the molecular mechanism involved with periodontitis progression. There has been growing interest in the potential impact of obesity on ...
Oxidative stress: a possible link between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilOdontologia, 2017)