Now showing items 1-10 of 48
Ultrastructural Characterization of the Pars Distalis of the Indian Female Sheath-Tailed Bat, Taphozous longimanus (Hardwicke)
(Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía, 2010)
Anatomy and Histophysiological Changes in Pituitary of Calotes versicolor During Breeding and Nonbreeding Seasons
(Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía, 2009)
Effect of the photoperiod and administration of melatonin on folliculostellate cells of the pituitary pars distalis of adult male viscacha (Lagostomus maximus maximus)
(Elsevier Gmbh, Urban & Fischer Verlag, 2011-06)
Numerous reports have shown the effect of photoperiod and melatonin administration on the different hormone secreting cell types in the pituitary pars distalis. The viscacha (Lagostomus maximus maximus) is a rodent with ...
Ovulación del sapo Bufo Arenarum Hensel: II). Fenómenos ováricos
(Sociedad Argentina de Biología, 1947-12)
1) La inyección de pars distalis de hipófisis de sapo (por vía endovenosa, subcutánea, intramuscular o intracraneana) hace ovular al sapo hembra si sus óvulos están grandes. 2) El ovario es refractario si los óvulos son ...
Immunohistochemical Study of Somatotrophs in Pituitary Pars Distalis of Male Viscacha (Lagostomus maximus maximus) in Relation to the Gonadal Activity
(Karger, 2007-04)
Somatotrophs were identified and quantified in pituitary pars distalis of male viscachas (Lagostomus maximus maximus) during the annual reproductive cycle, after the administration of melatonin, after castration and in ...
Seasonal variations of gonadotropins in the pars distalis male viscacha pituitary: Effect of chronic melatonin treatment
(Società Italiana di Istochimica, 2005-12)
The gonadotropes, LH and FSH cells, were immunohistochemically identified in the pituitary pars distalis of the adult male viscacha (Lagostomus maximus maximus) using specific antibodies against hLHb and hFSHb with the ...