Now showing items 1-10 of 179
Abuso físico infantil: analisando o estresse parental e o apoio social
(Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília, 2011)
Verificou-se se o estresse parental e o apoio social relacionar-se-iam ao abuso físico infantil, comparando-se G1 - cuidadores notificados por abusos, e G2 - não-agressores. Utilizou-se um Questionário de caracterização ...
Parents' support in the sports career of young gymnasts
From the very first moment of entrance in sports up to the time of their successful achievements, parents have a pronounced influence on the sport's career of their children. This influence is readily seen when the parent's ...
Práticas educativas e indicadores de ansiedade, depressão e estresse maternos
Positive and negative parenting educational practices of 100 mothers of babies with and without indicators of anxiety, depression and stress were compared. In this study the Inventory of Parental Styles of Baby's Mothers, ...
Impact of Childhood Cancer on Parents` Relationships: An Integrative Review
Purpose: The diagnosis of cancer and the treatment decisions associated with it may cause uncertainty, stress, and anxiety among parents. Emotional tensions can affect parents` relationships during the trajectory of the ...
Interacting environmental stressors modulate reproductive output and larval performance in a tropical intertidal barnacle
Tropical intertidal filter-feeding invertebrates often face thermal stress and oligotrophic nearshore conditions, which may modulate reproductive responses. In order to investigate how these stressors affect resource ...
Stress related to care: the impact of childhood cancer on the lives of parentsEstresse relacionado ao cuidado: o impacto do câncer infantil na vida dos paisEstrés relacionado al cuidado: el impacto del cáncer infantil en la vida de los padres
(Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto / Universidade de São Paulo, 2013)