Now showing items 1-10 of 47
A Fourier-based control vector parameterization for the optimization of nonlinear dynamic processes with a finite terminal time
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-01)
In this paper, a novel strategy for finding the optimal operation profiles for nonlinear dynamic processes is developed. Based on the direct sequential stochastic framework for dynamic optimization, this work proposes a ...
The impact of microphysics parameterization in the simulation of two convective rainfall events over the Central Andes of Peru using WRF-ARW
(MDPI, 2019-08-01)
The present study explores the cloud microphysics (MPs) impact on the simulation of two convective rainfall events (CREs) over the complex topography of Andes mountains, using the Weather Research and Forecasting- Advanced ...
A microarchitecture design methodology to achieve extreme isotropic elastic properties of composites based on crystal symmetries
(Springer, 2021-02-07)
The present contribution describes an optimization-based design technique of elastic isotropic periodic microarchitectures with crystal symmetries aiming at the realization of composites with extreme properties. To achieve ...
Evaluation of a time dependent air pollution model with a new vertical turbulent parameterization
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2000)
Acoustic displacement tetrahedra developed using the IET rules
A four node, displacement based, acoustic element is developed. In order to avoid spurious rotational modes, a higher order stiffness is introduced. The higher order stiffness is developed from an incompatible strain field ...
Simulation and parameterization by the finite element method of a C Shape Delectromagnet for application in the characterization of magnetic properties of materials
(World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2012-11-22)
This article presents the simulation, parameterization and optimization of an electromagnet with the C–shaped configuration, intended for the study of magnetic properties of materials -- The electromagnet studied consists ...
A Case Sudy of the Contribution of Convective Momentum Transport on the Rain DistributionUm Estudo de Caso da Contribuição do Transporte de Momentum Convectivo na Distribuição de Chuva
(Centro de Ciências Matemáticas e da Natureza, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Feder, 2019)
Regional precipitation estimations in Central America using the Weather Research and Forecast model
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2018)