Now showing items 1-10 of 104
Annual thermoeconomic analysis of a concentrating solar power + photovoltaic + multi-effect distillation plant in northern Chile
(Elsevier, 2020)
A detailed annual performance and thermoeconomic analysis of a Concentrated Solar Power plant coupled to a Photovoltaic and a Multi-Effect Distillation plants (CSP + PV + MED) were performed using an extensive methodology ...
Análisis del comportamiento de arreglos fotovoltaicos con degradación operando bajo condiciones de sombreado parcial
(Fondo Editorial EIA - Universidad EIA, 2020-02-03)
La degradación de los paneles solares en un sistema fotovoltaico (PV) compromete la generación eléctrica del sistema a través del tiempo. Dentro de las técnicas para monitorear el estado de los paneles PV se encuentran la ...
Studying the integration of solar energy into the operation of a semi-autogenous grinding mill. Part II: Effect of ore hardness variability, geometallurgical modeling and demand side management
(Elsevier Ltd, 2019)
In the first part of this work, a solar photovoltaic system with battery storage (PV-BESS) and grid backup system to supply a SAG mill was modeled. There, the overall framework, the optimization model, and the model for ...
Optimization of a SAG mill energy system: integrating rock hardness, solar irradiation, climate change, and demand-side management
(Springer, 2020)
Integration of renewable energy into mining and processing operations is becoming necessary as part of a strategy towards sustainability in the minerals industry. A solar photovoltaic plant along with a battery energy ...
Financing of residential rooftop photovoltaic projects under a net metering policy framework: the case of the colombian caribbean region
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2021)
Financing of Residential Rooftop Photovoltaic Projects Under a Net Metering Policy Framework: The Case of the Colombian Caribbean Region
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2021)
Implementation of a cost-effective fuzzy MPPT controller on the Arduino boardImplementación de un controlador MPPT difuso rentable en la placa Arduino
(International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 2019)
Design and performance evaluation of a solar tracking panel of single axis in ColombiaDiseño y evaluación de desempeño de un panel de seguimiento solar de un solo eje en Colombia
(International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2021)
Economic and energy analysis of small capacity grid-connected hybrid photovoltaic-wind systems in Mexico
(International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2020)