Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Chern Slopes Of Surfaces Of General Type In Positive Characteristic
Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0, and let C be a non-singular projective curve over k. We prove that for any real number x >= 2, there are minimal surfaces of general type X over k such that ...
Edmonds maps on the Fricke-Macbeath curve
In 1985, L. D. James and G. A. Jones proved that the complete graph K-n defines a clean dessin d'enfant (the bipartite graph is given by taking as the black vertices the vertices of K-n and the white vertices as middle ...
Field of moduli of generalized Fermat curves of type (k, 3) with an application to non-hyperelliptic dessins d'enfants
A generalized Fermat curve of type (k, 3), where k >= 2, is a closed Riemann surface admitting a group H congruent to Z(k)(3) as a group of conformal automorphisms so that the quotient orbifold S / H is the Riemann sphere ...