Now showing items 1-10 of 4103
Presupuestos participativos (PPs) e instituciones participativas (IPs) en Brasil: criterios (y marco) para la evaluación de experiencias y casos
This paper identifies relevant criteria for evaluation of participatory budgeting and participatory institutions that are currently adopted by governments of both Brazil and elsewhere, highlighting the importance of a ...
Democracy participatory and participatory budgeting in chile: complement or subordination to the representative local institutions?
Estudos sobre as instituições participativas: o debate sobre sua efetividade
The main purpose of this article is to introduce the debate on the effectiveness of the participatory institutions in Brazil. At first, it will bring the very early debate about participatory democracy and deliberative ...
Promoting Social Innovation Through Participatory Approaches In Knowledge Management
(Univ La SalleBogota, 2016)
The Participatory Institutional Evaluation And The Participation Of Political Spaces Constructed,reinvented,and Achieved At SchoolA Avaliação Institucional Participativa E Os Espaços Políticos De Participação Construídos,reinventados,conquistados Na Escola
(Centro de Estudos Educacao e Sociedade - CEDES, 2016)