Now showing items 1-10 of 628
Political Parties And Participatory Democracy: Political Status And Associative Profile In Participatory Budgeting Of Brazil
(Asoc Espanola Ciencia Politica & ADM-AECPAMadrid, 2016)
Toward a more inclusive and effective participatory budget in Porto Alegre
(Centro de Estudos de Política e Economia do Setor Público (CEPESP), 2008-01)
This research attempts to design a method for estimating the impact of the implementation of Participatory Budget (hereafter PB) on selected public finance variables. The idea is that people participating in the budget ...
The participatory budget of Madrid: lights and shadows
(Sindicato Secretarias Estado Sao Paulo, 2018-01-01)
Curiously, when in Brazil, the origin of the Participatory Budget, many difficulties arise for its continuity compared to other democratic innovations, in Spain begin to start new experiences. The changes of government, ...
Estimating the impact of participatory budget on observed outcomes
This paper tests whether the Participatory Budget (OP) adopted by some municipalities in Brazil had any impact on the municipality efficiency or on income distribution using a quasi experimental approach. The results are ...
Case studies of digital participatory budgeting in Latin America - models for citizen engagement
This article presents the study of the relationship between information and communication technologies (ICTs) and local governance in Latin America, mainly using the internet for participatory processes, such as the ...
Orçamento Participativo (OP) após vinte anos de experiências no Brasil: mais qualidade na gestão orçamentária municipal?
This article consists on an analysis of dissertations and thesis on Participatory Budget (PB) in post-graduation courses in Brazil (from the CAPES data bank), from 2000 to 2009. It also makes the evolution of works explicit, ...
Orçamento público participativo em São José dos Campos: dinâmicas da participação popular no contexto da gestão pública
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilCurso de Especialização em Gestão Pública MunicipalUTFPR, 2015-11-05)
This research presents a conceptual theoretical approach to participatory governance with a focus on participatory budgeting. The topic under study aimed through research conducted to analyze the dynamics of citizen ...
Orçamento participativo: estudo de caso do município de Canoas/RS
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2015-12-19)
Participatory Budget is a process from which municipal governments aim to decide, with society, criteria and priorities for use of public resources. This article aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of ...
Presupuestos participativos (PPs) e instituciones participativas (IPs) en Brasil: criterios (y marco) para la evaluación de experiencias y casos
This paper identifies relevant criteria for evaluation of participatory budgeting and participatory institutions that are currently adopted by governments of both Brazil and elsewhere, highlighting the importance of a ...