Now showing items 1-10 of 170
Synthesis of Optical Filters Using Sagnac Interferometer in Ring Resonator
We propose a new synthesis method for the implementation of infinite impulse response filters, using a Sagnac interferometer within a ring resonator. This structure permits the synthesis of second-order optical functions ...
Novel tuneable filter based on MZ and an amplified ring resonator for OFDM networks
A novel reconfigurable fibre based tuneable filter is proposed. The module relies on a cascaded connection of Mach-Zehnders and an amplified fibre ring resonator. MHz range adjustable FHWM bandwidths and high crosstalk are ...
Tunable optical filters using compound ring resonators for DWDM
The device is based on a loop mirror in a ring resonator. The loop mirror allows tuning by changing the coupling coefficient of a directional coupler. The loop mirror is implemented using a Sagnac configuration to have the ...
Measurements on passive tunable optical filters for DWDM
Measurements on a passive optical fibre tunable filter are presented. The device is based on a loop mirror in a ring resonator. The loop mirror allows tuning by changing the coupling coefficient of a coupler. The novel ...
Compact triplexer with open ring resonators as microstrip trisection bandpass filters for asymmetric response
(Scopus, 2013)
Open loop ring resonators are used as the basic block of a compact planar triplexer, they are used in cascaded trisection (CT) filters, in order to reduce the circuit size. The CT filter has a cross coupling that produces ...
Multiple split-ring resonators for tri-band filter with asymmetric response
(Scopus, 2011)
A triple-band filter composed of multiple split ring resonators is presented. This filter is based on a chain of triple split ring resonators that produces three pass-bands. The change in the dimensions of the corresponding ...
Novel tunable optical filter employing a fiber loop mirror for synthesis applications in WDM
A novel optical filter employing a fiber loop mirror within an amplified ring resonator is presented. The fiber loop mirror allows tuning by changing the coupling factor of a coupler. The device can be used as a building ...
Sagnac loop in ring resonators for tunable optical filters
General filter architecture using co-and counterpropagation signals are studied. A specific configuration based on a Sagnac loop within a ring resonator is analyzed. Novel tuning, apart from conventional tuning,is achieved ...
Optical reconfigurable demultiplexer based on Bragg grating assisted ring resonators
A polarization independent reconfigurable optical demultiplexer with low crosstalk between adjacent channels and high number of potential allocated channels is designed on silicon on insulator technology. On to off state ...
Bullseye Optomechanical Resonator
(IEEENew York, 2016)