Now showing items 1-10 of 56453
Guidelines for reporting evaluations based on observational methodology
(Colegio Oficial de Psicologos Asturias, 2015)
Detection of Simultaneous Faults Using State Observer Methodology
Due to the big interest of industries in predictive maintenance, the development of techniques to diagnose failures has been gradually acquiring a relevant role in the current industrial scenario. For this reason, this ...
Methodological quality checklist for studies based on observational methodology (MQCOM) [Checklist de calidad metodológica para estudios basados en metodología observacional]
(Colegio Oficial de Psicologos Asturias, 2019)
Guidelines for reporting evaluations based on observational methodology
Background: Observational methodology is one of the most suitable research designs for evaluating fidelity of implementation, especially in complex interventions. However, the conduct and reporting of observational studies ...
Guidelines for reporting evaluations based on observational methodology
Background: Observational methodology is one of the most suitable research designs for evaluating fidelity of implementation, especially in complex interventions. However, the conduct and reporting of observational studies ...
Indirect observation in everyday contexts: Concepts and methodological guidelines within a mixed methods framework
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2018)
Application of logistic regression models in observational methodology: game formats in grassroots football in initiation into football
This study shows how simple and multiple logistic regression can be used in observational methodology and more specifically, in the fields of physical activity and sport. We demonstrate this in a study designed to determine ...
Cheklists, part III: STROBE and ARRIVE [Pautas de chequeo, parte III: STROBE y ARRIVE]
(Elsevier Espana S.L., 2016)
Reliability and inter-coders training in the analysis of football for blind persons [Entrenamiento y confiabilidad entre observadores en el análisis del fútbol para ciegos]
(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2018)