Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Associations of decadal to multidecadal sea-surface temperature variability with Upper Colorado River flow
The relations of decadal to multidecadal (D2M) variability in global sea-surface temperatures (SSTs)
with D2M variability in the flow of the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB) are examined for the years 1906-
2003. Results ...
Variability of the Caribbean low-level jet during borealwinter: large-scale forcings
An index capturing the anomalies of the zonal wind at 925 hPa from 1950 to 2010 was defined to explore the relationship between the fluctuations of the Caribbean low-level jet (CLLJ) and the main climate variability modes ...
Climate precursors of multidecadal drought variability in the western United States
Low-frequency (periodicities lower than 20 years) hydrologic variability in the western United States over the past 500 years is studied using available tree-ring reconstructions of Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), ...
Associations of multi-decadal sea-surface temperature variability with US drought
Recent research suggests a link between drought occurrence in the conterminous United States (US) and sea surface temperature (SST) variability in both the tropical Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans on decadal to multidecadal ...
Assessment of the Spatial Variation in the Occurrence and Intensity of Major Hurricanes in the Western Hemisphere
Major hurricanes are a critical hazard for North and Central America. The present study
investigated the trends of occurrence, affectation, and intensity of major hurricanes in the North
Atlantic and Northeast Pacific ...
Oceanic and terrestrial sources of continental precipitation
(American Geophysical Union 50:1-41, 2012-11-08)
The most important sources of atmospheric moisture at the global scale are herein identified, both oceanic and terrestrial, and a characterization is made of how continental regions are influenced by water from different ...
A review of the main drivers and variability of Central America’s Climate and seasonal forecast systems
América Central es una región susceptible a desastres naturales y cambio climático. En el presente estudio, se revisaron los principales forzantes atmosféricos y oceánicos, así como los moduladores del clima que afectan ...
Seasonal prediction of extreme precipitation events and frequency of rainy days over Costa Rica, Central America, using Canonical Correlation Analysis
(Advances in Geosciences 33:41-52, 2013-04-02)
High mountains divide Costa Rica, Central America, into two main climate regions, the Pacific and Caribbean slopes, which are lee and windward, respectively, according to the North Atlantic trade winds – the dominant wind ...
Propuesta metodológica para la predicción climática estacional del veranillo en la cuenca del río Tempisque en el Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica
El ciclo anual de la precipitación en la vertiente del Pacífico de América Central, se caracteriza por tener dos máximos, uno entre mayo-junio y el otro entre setiembre-octubre, además de una estación seca de noviembre a ...
Forcing of cool and warm subsurface water events in Bahía Salinas, Costa Rica
Introduction: Bahía Salinas, on the north Pacific coast of Costa Rica, is a seasonal upwelling area. Sea temperature in Bahía Salinas could be modulated by synoptic and other large-scale systems. This region belongs to the ...