Now showing items 1-10 of 7473
De 1,3-diaza heterociclos a compuestos fusionados: síntesis, reactividad y estudios fotoquímicos
<p class="TextoTesis" style="text-indent: 0cm;">ediante la síntesis orgánica se hanobtenido compuestos con diferentes utilidades, desde medicamentos hasta nuevosmateriales. En este sentido, el químico que se encomienda a ...
Identity of Tradition Name in Hindu Marriage in Julah Village, Tejakula Sub-District. Buleleng Regency, Bali
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
The availability, authorships and dates of tribal names in the Sigmodontinae (Rodentia, Cricetidae) current classification
(Magnolia Press, 2019-07)
SIGMODONTINAE, a diverse subfamily including 106 genera of American Rodents, is currently divided in eleven tribes that still need to be refined based on recently generated phylogenetic hypotheses. Several published names ...
Sangaia, a replacement generic name for the rhytidosteid temnospondyl Cabralia , a preoccupied name
(Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2006-12)
Cabralia lavinai was recently described as a new rhytidosteid temnospondyl (Dias-da Silva et al., 2006) from the Sanga do Cabral Formation (Lower Triassic of Paraná Basin, Brazil). It has come to our attention that (Dias-da ...
Given name and the constitution of the subjectNOME PRÓPRIO E CONSTITUIÇÃO DO SUJEITO
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014)
The trade name and its use by the legal entityEl nombre comercial y su uso por parte de la persona jurídica
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015)