Now showing items 1-10 of 313
VAMOS: A pathfinder for the HAWC gamma-ray observatory
VAMOS1 was a prototype detector built in 2011 at an altitude of 4100 m a.s.l. in the state of Puebla, Mexico. The aim of VAMOS was to finalize the design, construction techniques and data acquisition system of the HAWC ...
Interaction of shockwaves with infected kidney stones: Is there a bactericidal effect?
Background and Purpose: Many calculi contain bacteria, which can remain active inside kidney stones and cause infection after lithotripsy. Reduction in renal infections after extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy has been ...
Production of Thermostable Lipase by Thermomyces lanuginosus on Solid-State Fermentation: Selective Hydrolysis of Sardine Oil
A naturally immobilized biocatalyst with lipase activity was produced by Thermomyces lanuginosus on solid-state fermentation with perlite as inert support. Maxima lipase activities (22 and 120 U/g of dry matter, using ...
High sensitivity fiber laser temperature sensor
This paper presents an erbium-doped fiber laser temperature sensor, which is based on an intracavity fiber filter immersed in glycerol/water solutions. The sensing element is the intracavity fiber filter, consisting of a ...
Electron detachment cross sections of CH4 - colliding with O2 and N2 below 10 keV energies
Negative methane is an interesting molecular anion from a fundamental point of view and also because it can be a source of thermal electrons in low temperature hydrocarbon plasma. Measurements of collisional electron ...
Validez factorial del inventario de burnout de psic�logos en una muestra de psic�logos Mexicanos
The aim of the current study was to test the factorial validity of the Burnout of Psychologist Inventory (IBP) in a sample of Mexican professionals. The sample consisted of 454 Mexican psychologists. For this, a factor ...
The filamentary multi-polar planetary nebula NGC5189
We present a set of optical and infrared images combined with long-slit, medium and high dispersion spectra of the southern planetary nebula (PN) NGC5189. The complex morphology of this PN is puzzling and has not been ...
Prediction of binary tropical cyclones path on northeastern Pacific Ocean
In this article, some results of numerical prediction of binary tropical cyclones (or binary systems) paths are presented. The analyzed systems were produced between 1984 and 2005, southward of 20� North latitude on ...
Body image and eating disorders [Imagen Corporal y Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria]
Objective Assessing the association of age and weight with internalisation of the ideal of being thin, bodily dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptoms amongst three groups of females: teenage, young and adult women. ...
La experiencia de la universidad aut?noma metropolitana de M?xico unidad Xochimilco
(Universidad Tecnol?gica de El Salvador, Revista Entorno, 2018)