Now showing items 1-10 of 482
Does active management add value? The Brazilian mutual fund market
(SSRN, 2009-07)
Does active management add or destroy value? With a sample of 699 with four different main categories: stocks, fixed income, hedge and exchange rate mutual funds we conclude that the active management add value to investors ...
Herding behavior on mutual fund investors in Brazil
(Centro de Estudos em Finanças (GVcef), 2014)
Herd behavior (i.e. correlated movement of investors), among mutual fund investors can force fund managers to sell or buy assets even when with bad timing, like selling on historical lows or buying at market tops, what ...
Reinterpreting the mutual fund theorem: the risk portfolio as a tactical overlay
The Mutual Fund Theorem is an elegant way of describing how investors with different attitudes towards risk should construct their portfolios. It is, however, often misinterpreted. This paper revisits the topic by defining ...
The effect of guia exame's ratings on the Brazilian fund industry: an analysis of net-worth flows
This paper infers the impact the publication Guia Exame (the guide) has on the Brazilian fund industry, more specifically on the ability the concerned funds develop on attracting new investment. The impact is measured using ...
The effect of guia exame’s ratings on the Brazilian fund industry: an analysis of net-worth flows
(SSRN, 2006-04)
This paper infers the impact the publication “Guia Exame” (the guide) has on the Brazilian fund industry, more specifically on the ability the concerned funds develop on attracting new investment. The impact is measured ...
The performance of open-end Brazilian fixed income mutual funds for retail clients
From a financial perspective, this dissertation analyzes the Brazilian mutual fund industry performance for an average retail client. The most representative funds for the local population, that are the fixed income open-end ...
Analysis of the mutual funds and pension funds in Spain: evolution and performanceAnálisis de los fondos de inversión y de pensiones en España: evolución y eficiencia en la gestión
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2012)
Estudo da sensibilidade do fluxo de investimento em fundos multimercado
Este trabalho estuda o impacto causado no fluxo de investimento em fundos multimercado por variáveis como o retorno dos fundos, o retorno do benchmark, a volatilidade de mercado, o fluxo de investimento de estrangeiros na ...